I'm not wanted, I want you- Hizzie

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A/N tbh this hasn't actually got hizzie until the end and most of it it Lizzie and Josie but roll w it :)

"I'm so glad you're back." Lizzie sighs and tightens her arms around Josie.

"Me too." Josie whispers. "I'm so sorry, I almost killed you-"

"But you didn't." Lizzie cuts her off.

"If Hope hadn't come up with a plan, you never would of woken up. I was actually glad that you were dead, what kind of sister am I? What kind of sister is happy their twin is dead?" Josie frowns guiltily.

"You weren't yourself, it wasn't you. You weren't happy I was dead, it was another version of you." Lizzie reassures.

"I'm still so so sorry." Josie says apologetically, throwing her arm over her sisters waist.

"At least the merge is over and done with. I don't have the fear of dying in 5 years." Lizzie says playfully.

"Why do you doubt yourself all the time?" Josie asks, hating her sisters self hate.

"Who woke up?" Lizzie asks which makes Josie huff.

"That's besides the point." Josie says. "You shouldn't hate yourself so much."

"Everyone else does." Lizzie mumbles under her breath but Josie still hears it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks questionably.

"Nothing." Lizzie dismisses, running her hand through Josie's hair.

"Lizzie." Josie says warningly, lifting her head up to look at her sister.

"Forget about it, Jo." Lizzie sighs. "You must be exhausted, why don't you get some sleep?"

"I'll sleep when you tell me what's wrong." Josie says sternly and sits up.

"You've gone through a lot over the last week, you need to rest-"

"Elizabeth, I won't ask again." Josie scolds which makes Lizzie sigh and sit up as well, playing with her hands.

"They had to convince everyone that I was actually dead, so they gave me a funeral. I sat at the top of the stairs and listened as everyone laughed. They laughed because no one had anything nice to say about me. They laughed because I died. They laughed because I wasn't strong enough. They were all relieved that I was dead because everyone hates me. I don't blame them, I'm horrible and selfish. I'm the messed up twin that made everyone hate me. They laughed at my funeral. I'm not wanted here." Lizzie tells her sister without looking at her, her heart breaking and tears filling her eyes.

Josie feels anger rise within her, her sister might be selfish but no one deserves to have people laugh at their funeral.

"They don't understand how many times I tried to change. The stupid bracelet, distracting myself with football and miss mystic falls, they never let me change though. I will always be known as the black hole in your life, the reason you can't be happy. I'm not stupid, I know everyone hates me but to hear them laugh at my funeral, it just hurt. It hurt more than anything. I had no idea until then how much everyone wanted me gone." Lizzie says sadly. "It just made me think of things I never wanted to think of again."

Josie knows what Lizzie meant by that, she knows her sister has struggled with suicidal thoughts before. There had a been a long period of time where Lizzie tried multiple times to take her own life, Josie finding her each time before any fatal damage could be done. The thought alone makes her feel sick to her stomach.

"They don't matter, Liz, in a couple of years we'll be going to college and we probably won't see any of those people again. If they took a minute to get to know the real you, then they would know you are one of the most amazing people ever. Sure, you're bossy and selfish, but you're also protective and loving, you make me smile
even on my bad days, you would do anything for your family, you are there for your friends, and you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. God, Lizzie, your merged with me to save Hope's life even though you knew I would win. You wouldn't do that if you weren't kind hearted. You're my person and I don't know what I'd do without you by my side. Every day you give me a new reason to fight and I love you so much for that. Ignore everyone else at this school because they won't be half as successful as you will be, they'll be wishing they were your friend in ten years time. Don't let them doubt yourself. You're so much stronger than all of them." Josie tells her sister, wiping her tears away.

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