Spell gone wrong- Posie/Lizzie

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A/N this is no sexual ageplay and no it's not incest so don't worry ab that bcbut it's little Lizzie and caregivers posie. If u don't want to read it u don't have to, just skip it, don't be judgmental ab anyone be we all know how that ended last time I did an ageplay imagine. Anyways, if u r reading it, then enjoy.

Hope gasps as Lizzie is thrown back, hitting the wall and falling unconscious.

"Lizzie!" Hope exclaims and rushes over to her best friend. "No, no, no. Come on, wake up." Hope panics.

Lizzie was helping Hope with a spell, astral projecting somewhere to try and find Landon, but something went wrong and they were forced out. Hope was fine but Lizzie got hit and went flying back.

Hope frowns and wipes the blood away from Lizzie's forehead before picking her up bridal style and rushing out of her room. She rushes to Josie's room and bursts into it, not caring that Josie was currently straddling Penelope.

"What the-"

"I need your help." Hope says with wide eyes.

"Oh my god. What happened?" Josie asks in shock and rushes over to her sister as Hope sets her on her bed.

"We-We were astral projecting to try and find Landon, b-but it went wrong and we were forced out. Lizzie got hit and she went flying back and hit the wall, now she's not waking up." Hope explains.

"Did you try giving her your blood?" Penelope asks.

Josie worriedly strokes Lizzie's hair. "Fix her, Hope, or I swear to god I'll rip your heart out of your chest." Josie snarls.

Hope gulps and Penelope actually flinches at the angry tone in Josie's voice.

Hope bites into her wrist and presses it against Lizzie's mouth. They all wait to see if Lizzie will drink it but she doesn't, the blood just smears against her lips.

"Go get my Dad. Now." Josie growls.

Hope yelps and runs out of the room.

"Come on, Lizzie, wake up." Josie mumbles and pats her cheek repeatedly.

"I have an idea, Jojo, but you're not gonna like it." Penelope says.

"Just do it, Pen." Josie snaps.

Penelope and brings her hand up before slapping Lizzie around the face as hard as she can. Josie gasps in shock but Lizzie's eyes soon shoot open.

"Lizzie? Are you okay?" Josie asks.

Lizzie looks up at her and then at Penelope before grinning and letting out a very child like gurgle. Josie and Penelope frown at each other as Lizzie giggle and gurgles again.

"Did she just."

"Yeah. She did." Josie cuts her off.

"Lizzie, are you okay?" Penelope asks.

"Penny!" Lizzie squeals.

'Penny?' She mouths at Josie who shrugs.

"Lizzie, why are you acting like this?" Josie asks and helps her sister sit up, but gapes in surprise when Lizzie climbs onto her lap sideways and starts to fiddle with her necklace.

Penelope stares in shock, she's known Lizzie for three years and not once has she seen the blonde this cuddly before.

"Don't put that in your mouth." Josie suddenly scolds as Lizzie puts her necklace in her mouth.

Lizzie whimpers and tears fill her eyes. "I sowwy."

"Oh. I uh...don't- don't cry." Josie frowns as Lizzie buries her face into Josie's and cries.

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