Kidnapped- Kaylee

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"Jenny, he was an ass- he deserved it!" You grunt.

"You didn't have to hit him," Jenny mumbles. "I still love him."

"Oh save me the 'I still love him' speech. He hit you, so I hit him. Simple as." You huff. "You deserve better than that pompous ass!"

"Alright, Y/NN, I'm sorry. You're only protecting me, I understand." Jenny coos and loops her arm through yours.

You pout up at her. "I don't like seeing you hurt."

"I know, honey." Jenny smiles softly and kisses your temple.

"God I hate walking home in the dark." You frown and cuddle closer to her.

Jenny hums in agreement and keeps a weary eye out.

You and Jenny have been best friends for 5 years ever since you started working at a diner together. She learnt that your family left you when you were young and she immediately took you in, giving you the love and safety you've craved for years. She's been your best friend through your darkest times as you have hers.

The two of you turn down the alley way as you always do, both of you speeding your pace up, as you always do. Something about that alley way scares the both of you.

"It's dangerous to walk at night." A voice echos through the alley way which makes the two of you freeze. "Especially two pretty little things like you."

You feel Jenny tug your arm and the two of you start to run but a body appears in front of you. The moon shines on her face and the sinister smirk on her face makes you feel sick.

You both stumble back only to come in contact with another body.

"Leave us alone." You demand which makes them both chuckle.

"She's strong." The woman behind you teases.

"I love a strong woman, don't you, Kay?" The other one asks.

"Indeed I do." You freeze when you feel her breath on your neck.

"What about your friend? Is she as tough as you are?"

You feel Jenny tense beside you.

"Keep your hands off of her." You warn.

The girl stalks forwards and reaches up, wrapping her hand around Jenny's throat. Before you can do anything, a pair of arms are wrapping around yours from behind and trapping you.

"Jenny!" You exclaim when she gets pushed against the brick wall. "Leave her alone!"

"Shh, Babygirl." The girl holding you whispers in your ear. "I wouldn't want to have to hurt you."

"Don't hurt me." Jenny whimpers to the shorter girl.

"Don't you like pain?" She asks and grabs a pocket knife, flicking the blade open and pressing it against Jenny's throat. "I like pain."

"Please." Jenny begs fearfully.

"That's it, beg me. I love it when girls beg me not to hurt them." She moans.

"D, you wanna pack it up? It's cold." The girl behind you chuckles.

You struggle in her arms and scream when the other girl forcefully presses a clothe over Jenny's mouth and nose until she falls limp.

You go to scream again but the girl grabs your head and smashes it into the wall. The last thing you hear is a chuckle so evil it makes you shiver before your vision goes black.

When you awake next, you find yourself on the ground with your hands behind your back, tied together with rope. There's a pain in your head but you forget all about that when you'd really Jenny laying next to you, unconscious and also tied up. You scramble over to her and try your best to nudge her with your knee.

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