Surprise?- Penelope

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"Penelope, I'm sorry!"

"Screw you, Josie!"

"It didn't mean anything."

"You slept with someone else! How could you?!" Penelope screams, spinning around to face her now ex girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, Pen-"

"Go to hell." She growls and storms away.

"Penelope!" Josie cries, calling after her.

Penelope just flips her off before rounding the corner.

Penelope got out of that school as quick as she could and she never looked back, not even when she heard Josie begging her not it leaving. Cheating slut.

She moved to Belgium with her Mom and she's never been happier, the forgot all about Josie and the Salvatore school. She got the chance at a new start and she took it without hesitation. She joined a witch only school and made some great friends, she's doing what she loves now and nothing will stop her from doing what she wants.

Penelope changed, she stopped caring what people think of her. As long as she's happy within herself, then that's all that matters, she doesn't need approval from anyone else. They don't matter to her. She threw all her clothes out and changed her style, she's so sick of men hitting on her that she'll just have to look the part of a
lesbian. It's all flannel shirts, ripped jeans, beanies, snapbacks, tank tops, doc Martians. She's never been more comfortable with her body than she is now, now that she can be who is truly is, she's more confident than ever. She got her eyebrow pierced and got her tattoo, a small dove flying out of the sun in her bicep, to symbolise her freedom.

That's what she is.

She's free.

She started working out a lot, lifting weights, pull ups, running. Her body has never been in better shape and she can starts to see the outline of a six pack forming. She has all the girls drooling over her now, she loves it. She sleeps with some of them, but not very often and she never calls them back, she refuses to let herself fall for
anyone for a long time. Or so she thought, that was before she met you.


Penelope was going for a short run around the campus since it has a large garden, when she
bumped into you.

Your books went flying as you tumbled to the ground, hitting your elbow and scraping it.

Penelope gasps.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She exclaims, pulling her headphones out and crouching down to help you. "I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

"It's okay, Penelope." You reassure and smile at her, gathering your books up and letting her
help you up.

"You know who I am?" Penelope asks confusedly.

"Yeah, we're in the same art class." You say shyly. "You sit next to me." You shrug.

"Y/N! That's right, I thought I recognised your pretty face." She flirts.

You wrap your arms around your books and blush, looking down.

"Don't look down, Princess, your tiara might fall." Penelope says and lifts your head up. "You're not used to people calling you beautiful, are you?"

You shake your head.

"Well you are and you should know it." Penelope tells you.

"Thanks." You mumble.

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