Binge watch and chill- Posie

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"I have no opinion Milton and if you keep asking, I'm going to agree with Lizzie and you know how much I'd rather not do that," Penelope says, analyzing her nails for something to do while Lizzie and MG argue across the table from her.
This would not be her ideal seating arrangement if she had a choice, but dating one-half of the
Saltzman twins came with sacrifices. One of which was playing referee to Lizzie and whoever she chose to argue with on any given day.

Josie had been running late to lunch, so Penelope was left to deal with the debate all on her own. Talking down a stubborn Lizzie Saltzman was always more of a Josie specialty.

"Jo, come here, help us settle this," MG says, looking somewhere over Penelope's shoulder. The raven-haired witch turned around to see Josie walking up to them, looking frazzled as if she had rushed through the halls to get there.

Josie sent an apologetic look to Penelope as she came to a stop next to her, earning a grateful smile in return.

"I would love to hear whatever it is, but let me get something to eat first," Josie says, forcing a smile as she lays a hand to rest on Penelope's shoulder. MG nods, continuing to plead his case to the blonde next to him who spares her sister no glance.

"Come with me?" Josie asks, looking at Penelope who hadn't stopped staring at her since her eyes found her.

"Gladly," Penelope says, standing up and joining their hands immediately. The shorter witch reaches up to press a kiss to Josie's cheek as they walk along the tables as Josie squeezes their joined hands. Their easy public affection was still new to Josie. As someone who didn't let people close easily, dating someone so tactile had been an adjustment for the siphoner in the first few weeks of their relationship.

She thought that after the month or so that they had been together, the butterflies would have tapered off by now but the novelty of being touched by Penelope Park never seemed to wear off. Somehow the contact was exhilarating and calming all at once.

"Sorry I'm late. My dad wanted to talk to me after class," Josie says, keeping her eyes straight ahead.

"Is everything okay?" Penelope asks, catching on immediately to Josie's slightly frantic mood.

"Yeah, it's fine," Josie says, letting go of her hand as they reach the food counter.

"Jojo," Penelope says, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter, "What did I tell you about the word fine?" Josie rolls her eyes but smiles slightly.

"That nothing is ever just fine and that if you ask me about something, it's because you are actually interested so a complete answer is not an inconvenience," Josie says, picking an apple out of the fruit basket with a stubborn smile, the same one that seems to always grace her face when she's trying to stay upset at Penelope.

"Very good. Now I'll ask again, is everything okay?" Penelope asks again, her light tone turning more serious. Josie regards her for a second, pursing her lips while deciding on what to say.

"Not great. Dorian told my dad about how bad I did on that test last week and he wanted to know what happened. I just said I didn't study as hard as I should have," Josie says, shrugging her shoulders as she passes by the food options, not picking anything up.

"That was the day after Lizzie had her freakout right?" Penelope asks, connecting the dots in her head as she follows Josie away from the food counters.

"It's hard to study when you spend the night cleaning up your bedroom after a Lizzie storm," Josie says with a tight smile. Penelope frowns ruefully.

"Why didn't you tell him that?" She asks, reaching for her free hand again.

"I couldn't. He would have offered to help or talked to Dorian about having me re-do it and you know how Lizzie is about other people knowing about her episodes," Josie says, accepting her hand but not looking at the
older witch as she turns to head back to the table.

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