Not so selfish after all- Pizzie

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G!P Penelope (short smut)

"Jo, what's your problem? We can't help you unless you talk to us." Lizzie begs.

Josie sighs and shakes her head, sipping the bottle of tequila clutched to her chest, a sarcastic smile on her face.

"You can't fix the problem, Lizzie." Josie spits out which makes Lizzie frown.

"What is it, baby? Tell me." Hope Coos which makes Josie smile at her.

"I can't share you anymore." Josie tells her.

Lizzie and Hope have been dating for almost a year, Lizzie found out that Hope had feelings for Josie and Josie had feelings for Hope. She couldn't keep the two apart so she suggested they share Hope, things have been great for a few months but then the two started to get closer and Lizzie felt more left out- she never voiced it though.

She selfishly wants Hope even though her sister is hopelessly in love with her. About a week ago, Josie started to close herself off and she started to drink. A lot.

"What's that supposed to mean, Jo?" Hope asks and grabs her hands.

"It means I don't want you if Lizzie has you as well. One of us has to leave this relationship." Josie tells them.

Lizzie feels her heart break and Hope begs Josie not to leave her, telling her how much she loves her and needs her. It made Lizzie question wether Hope would do that for her or not.

"I'm sorry, I can't-"

"I'll go." Lizzie cuts her off.

"You were with Hope first, Lizzie." Josie sighs which makes Lizzie smile sadly.

"But she loves you more. I don't blame her, you're the better option." Lizzie says. "I'll go."

"We've been together for almost two years, Lizzie." Hope whispers.

"You love Josie more than you love me, I've been seeing it for a while. You two deserve to be happy." Lizzie tells them. "I'm in the way of that." A tear drips from her right eye, she's quick to wipe it away. "I'll go."

"Lizzie, I love you." Hope's voice breaks as tears fill her eyes.

"I love you too." Lizzie leans fowards and kisses her softly. "Don't hurt her, ok?" Hope nods and Lizzie wipes away the tear that falls down the tribrids face. Lizzie gets off the bed and grabs the bottle of tequila from Josie's hands. "I need this a lot more than you do." Is all Lizzie says before she walks over to the door.

"Lizzie." Josie calls out which makes her sister sigh and turn to look at her. Josie's face scrunches up in worry and confusion.

"You do so much for me, you deserve to be happy." Lizzie tells her. "I'll be fine." She promises before walking out of her room.

Lizzie doesn't let her tears fall until she reaches the roof, where she sits on the ledge and lets her feet dangle down. She quite often comes up here to think, it's her spot. The crying girl takes a large gulp of the tequila, loving the way it burns her throat.

Lizzie sits in quiet as she watches the sun set, the clouds flowing a dark orange which calms Lizzie, it makes her forget everything. The bottle of tequila which was half empty, it now completely empty and she let the bottle fall
to the ground effortlessly. She watches it shatter into a million pieces, like her heart had done a couple hours prior.

"You're not going to jump are you, Saltzman?" A voice asks from behind her which makes her sigh.

"Go away." She slurs without turning around to see who's intruded her peace.

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