Heather (part 2)- Lizzie

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"Hey, Babygirl." Josie greets and sits next to you in the dining hall, kissing your head.

"Hi, Jo." You mumble to your friend, your eyes staring sadly at Lizzie who is laughing happily with Hope.

Josie sighs and grabs your hand, pulling you away from staring at them. She wraps her arms around to and holds you against her chest.

"I wanna go home, Jojo." You cry, your heart breaking. "I don't wanna be here anymore."

Josie sighs and kisses your head. "You've gotta move on from her, Y/N." Josie tells you.

"I can't, Jojo, she's got me trapped. I can't escape her." You sob. "I'm in so much pain."

Josie's heart breaks for you and all she can do is hold you closer to her.

It's been a month since Josie found you crying on the couch, she quickly became your rock, your person. She's been there for you, she's been a shoulder to cry on, a friend to pour your heart out to a friend to hold you when it seems like things won't ever get better. She's doing everything Lizzie once did for you, Josie's there for you like Lizzie used to be.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a minute." Josie tells you and kisses your head before standing up and walking away.

Josie walks over to her sister.

"I need the car keys." Josie says which makes Lizzie look up.

"Why?" She asks curiously before digging around in her bag to find them.

"I'm gonna take Y/N up to Aunt Elena's cabin for the weekend." She tells her.

Lizzie freezes at the mention of your name, glancing over at you. "I never meant to hurt her, Jo." Lizzie frowns sadly.

"Well you did, and now I'm cleaning up your mess. Again." Josie snaps. Lizzie face flashes with hurt, her blue eyes turning sad. Josie sighs. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Yes you did otherwise you wouldn't of said it." Lizzie quips. "You know what, Jo? I had no idea that Y/N liked me like that, she never told me, so how was I supposed to know? She could of told me, but she left it too late. Yes, I'm at fault for not seeing the signs and for pushing her away, but you have always told me to go after what my heart wants, my heart wants Hope and I'm not going to be sorry for that. So I'm sorry that you're having to clean up my mess again, but don't chuck it in my face like that because I don't deserve it. It's fine for Y/N to be in love with me, but it's wrong for me to be in love with Hope? That's not fair."

Josie frowns. "Lizzie, I'm sorry."

"Screw you." Lizzie snarls and shoves the keys against Josie's chest before storming off, hurt.

"Lizzie!" Josie calls out after her sister only to be ignored. She sighs and looks over at Hope, glaring at her. "You knew exactly how Y/N felt and you never told Lizzie."

"It wasn't my place-"

"No.You didn't tell her because you wanted her, despite knowing that Y/N had been in love with her for years. You're selfish, Hope. You really do deserve Lizzie." Josie snaps before walking back over to you.

You look up. "What was that about?" You ask.

"Don't worry about it, Babygirl." Josie smiles and holds her hand out. "Come on, we're going away for the weekend."

"This place is amazing!" You exclaim as she shows you around the cabin. "It's so cute! I feel like I'm in a rom com." You gush.

Josie watches as you examine the cabin, a smile forming on her face at the happy grin on your face, it's the first time she's seen you smile in months. She always thought you were beautiful, but you were always Lizzie's best friend and she felt dirty for feeling who she felt, how she feels. She knows she's playing a risky game with you,
she knows she's going to end up hurt, but it will be worth it to see you smile.

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