Relax- Penelope

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Penelope sighs as she watches you from across the library, your head stuck in a book and you try and write down every note that you need. You came to the school a couple months ago, you're a very powerful witch, trained by Freya Mikaelson, that's how you know about the school. Freya is basically your mother, she found
you into her streets when you were 3 and took you in, discovering you were a witch only a few months later and she trained you from them.

You had never been to school before, you were never a normal kid but Hope convinced you to try it out. So here you are, studying your ass off to try and catch up with all the work, exhausting yourself as you go along.

You made friends with the twins and Jed, he just took an instant liking towards you. You helped him in class and now he's one of your closest friends, other than Josie, she's your best friend. Hope playfully warned you to stay away from Lizzie, but you knew how protective she is over the people she loves so you don't get too close to Lizzie.

"You're staring." Penelope jumps as glares at Lizzie who snickers and sits down next to her best friend. "Why don't you just talk to her?"

"She doesn't even know me." Penelope sighs sadly.

"So, introduce yourself." Lizzie says with a shrug.

"I can't, whenever she walks past me, I feel my throat close up and my mind goes fuzzy." Penelope frowns.

Lizzie rolls her eyes and stands up, walking over to you. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hi, Lizzie." You smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Lizzie says. "What are you working on?"

"I have a lot to catch up on, I guess that's what I get for starting during the middle of a semester." You sigh.

Lizzie hums and nods. "Have you met my friend, Penelope?" She asks.

"No." You shake your head. Penelope's eyes widen as Lizzie smirks at her.

"Think you could take a minute to meet her?" Lizzie asks.

"I really can't right now, Liz, I'm really busy. Maybe later though?" You suggest.

"Sure thing." Lizzie smiles before walking away and back over to Penelope. "She's busy, but she said later she'd like to meet you."

Penelope's skips a beat and she glances over at you to see you staring at her. She smirks slightly and waves her fingers at you which makes you blush and look back down.

"You're welcome." Lizzie sings. "Come on, you can make it up to me by buying me dinner."

"Isn't your girlfriend supposed to do that?" Penelope snorts and stands up, carelessly tossing the books to the side as her and Lizzie walk out.

"Hope is too busy with my Dad, as always." Lizzie rolls her eyes in annoyance.

Penelope smiles sympathetically, she knows how much it affects Lizzie having her Dad care for Hope than her.

"What are we eating?" She asks.


"I kissed Jade." Josie tells you which makes you squeal.

"About time! You've been pining over her for like 10 years!" You giggle.

Josie rolls her eyes with a blush. "It has not been 10 years."

"Jojo, she was your first crush. You were 6 and you told me when she babysat you, instead of sleeping you used to watch her read." You tease,

Josie huffs. "Fine, you're right. After everything recently, the black magic, almost transferring schools, the whole necromancer thing, I never thought that I'd find happiness again, but when I'm with Jade that's all I feel." She sighs happily.

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