Trailer mate- Kaylee/Jenny

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"Julie, why can't I get into my trailer?" Jenny asks confusedly when she sees her trailer door is taped off.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. One of the maintenance people cut your electricity off so you have to bunk with Kaylee today. Is that okay?" Julie asks.

"Uh yeah, that's cool." Jenny smiles.

"You've got a couple hours until you have to do anything, Kaylee as well." Julie tells her.

"Ok, I'll let her know. Thanks, Julie." Jenny says before walking off to Kaylee's trailer.

When she gets there, she gently knocks on the door and waits for Kaylee to let her in.

"Come in." Kaylee's voice calls out.

Jenny open the door and walks in shyly. "Um, my trailer isn't available so Julie says I have to share with you. Is that okay? I-I can find somewhere else."

"Jenny, it's okay." Kaylee laugh and ushers her in. She shuts the door and walks in. "I'm live, come say hi."

Jenny smiles and wonders over to where Kaylee is sat on a chair near the small table.

"Hi." She waves at the phone, her eyes scanning over all the comments saying her name and how much they love her.

Jenny goes to grab the other chair but before she can, Kaylee is pulling her to sit on her lap. She looks down at her friend who shrugs with a grin.

"I'm cold and you're always really hot." Kaylee defends herself which makes Jenny giggle. Kaylee's arms snake around her waist and Jenny herself her heart beat faster, a blush settling on her cheeks when Kaylee's chin comes to rest on her shoulder. "Is this alright?" Kaylee whispers.

Jenny nods wordlessly, trying to ignore the way Kaylee is unconsciously stroking her left hip.

"Send in your questions." Kaylee pouts, her eyes reading one that makes her heart skip a beat. "Are we a couple? I dunno, Jenny Boyd, are we?"

Jenny chuckles. "No we're not. Kaylee just has an obsession with me." (She can't hide it, we all know)

"Guilty as charged." Kaylee grins. "But no, we're just friends." Unfortunately.

Kaylee unconsciously breathes in Jenny's scent which makes the blonde frown.

"Did you just smell me?" She asks with a laugh.

"You smell really good." Kaylee defends and grins up at her, their eyes meeting for a few seconds.

"Thanks." Jenny whispers and kisses Kaylee's cheek.

They stay on live for about another twenty minutes before Kaylee turns it off. The trailer falls silent as the two don't move, Kaylee tightening her grip on Jenny to ensure the girl doesn't get up.

"Kaylee." Jenny whispers.

"Yeah?" The younger girl replies softly.

"Are you gonna let me up?" Jenny wonders, stroking Kaylee's hand that is holding her close.

"Do you want me to?" Kaylee asks, her breath tickling her neck which makes Jenny shudder.

"...No." Jenny finds herself saying.

"Why not?" Kaylee asks softly, her lips grazing Jenny's ear.

"Because... because I want your arms around me." Jenny admits in a whisper, her eyes slipping shut.

"Good, because I don't want to let you go." Kaykee sighs gently.

The two have always had a complicated friendship. They've bruh had feelings for each other at one point but they never acted on it because their friendship meant more to them than a relationship did. Kaylee has always needed Jenny close to her, like if they were all sitting in one room, Kaylee had to sit next to Jenny. Or if they traveled, Kaylee had to sit with Jenny. The two are always touching each other, hand holding, knees touching, shoulders bumping, shoes connected, it doesn't matter what it is they just have to be touching.

"What are you doing to me, Kaylee Bryant?" Jenny asks a few minutes later.

Kaylee sighs. "I don't know. What are you doing to me, Jenny Boyd?"

"I don't know." Jenny whispers. "What are we doing?"

"Jenny..." Kaylee trails off with a sigh.

"No I mean it, Kay. Peyton asked me out the other day, and if were not going anywhere then I'm gonna go out with him, because I can't keep doing whatever this is we're doing." Jenny says seriously. "It hurts too much."

Kaylee's heart clenches at the thought of losing Jenny to someone else. "I don't want to let you go." She repeats her words from earlier. "I can't let you go."

"Then what are you gonna do to make me stay?" Jenny asks.

"This." Kaylee says and skilfully spins Jenny around, kissing her with all the love and passion she can muster.

Jenny kisses her back and wraps her arms around her neck, a couple tears falling from her eyes. Kaylee pulls away when she feels the tears hit her cheeks.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly, wiping Jenny's tears away.

"I just never thought this would happen." Jenny says. "I never thought you would want."

Kaylee can't bare to hear the rest of Jenny's sentence so she kisses her again, swallowing the older girls fears.

"I've always wanted you, Jenny Boyd, and I always will." Kaylee whispers and leans her forehead against Jenny's. "I have been in love with you since I first met you."

"You love me?" Jenny asks breathlessly.

"How couldn't I? You're everything I've ever wanted." Kaylee says with a soft smile.

"I love you too." Jenny smiles brightly and kisses her quickly. "We have an hour and a half to do whatever we want. What do you wanna do?"

Kaylee smirks. "I have a few ideas."

As the two lay on the small couch in the trailer, trying to catch their breaths, Kaylee can't help how complete she feels in this very moment with the love of her life in her arms.

"Who knew you were such a top." Jenny breathes out which makes Kaylee laugh and kiss the top of Jenny's head.

"I've always been a top, Jenny Boyd." Kaylee says, biting back a moan when Jenny rolls one of her nipples around with her fingers. "Are you still horny?" Kaylee asks in shock.

"No." Jenny giggles. "I think you broke my pussy." Kaylee smirks and catches Jenny's hand, pulling it away from her nipple.

"You're gonna get me hard again and I think you broke my dick." Kaylee says which makes Jenny giggle.

"I can't believe you've managed to keep that thing hidden this whole time. It's massive." Jenny sighs.

"I have a special kind of boxers, they're compression ones to hide the bulge." Kaylee tells her.

"Do you like it?" Jenny asks which makes Kaylee frown in question. "Having a dick." Jenny confirms.

"I don't know any different. I was born with it, it's just a part of me. It's nice, being able to pleasure girls with more than just fingers, but sometimes I wish I was normal." Kaylee says, stroking Jenny's back.

"You are normal, Kaylee, just because you were born with different genitalia doesn't make you any less of a girl." Jenny reassures her. "I loved you before finding out about your dick, and I still love you after finding out about it."

"You're amazing." Kaylee sighs happily and kisses her.

Jenny smiles and cuddles closer to Kaylee, throwing her arm around her waist. "If I'm limping for the rest of the day, I'm blaming you."

Kaylee chuckles. "Ok."

The two lay in silence for a bit, Kaylee Stirling Jenny's hair whilst Jenny listens to Kaylee's heart beat, her fingers drumming along to the beat.

"Hey, Jenny?" Kaylee asks softly.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" Kaylee asks and Jenny smiles, feeling Kaylee's heartbeat speed up.

"I thought you'd never ask." Jenny grins happily. "Of course I will."

Till this day, neither of them knew Julie taped of Jenny's trailer on purpose.

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