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Kim Jeong Tae.

"Good morning, Y/n."

I gave my girlfriend a sweet smile even though she could not see it because we were talking on the phone.

"You are still laying on the bed?" I chuckled before I sipped the black coffee.

Bitter but sweet.

I'm feeling excited since we were going to live together soon. Currently, we were living with our own parents.

I'm a lecturer at Seoul University while she worked in the sales department of a company that belonged to her best friend, Park Jimin.

I got along with him because we were the same age just like me and Y/n but most importantly, he was nice and a funny guy.

"Yes, I am. I stayed up last night to finish the project." She said in a sleepy tone.

It was Saturday today so why she didn't do it today but chose to stay up?

"Is the deadline drawing near?" She must had her own reason.

"No, but I want to spend time with you without worrying about it."

As usual, she made my heart beating faster with just her words. If she gave me hugs and kisses, my heart will melt like butter.

"I love you, y/n."

I glanced at my watch to know the time as I heard her giggled before she confessed to me too.

"Now, take some sleep. I will visit you after I pack my clothes."

The phone call had ended. I stretched myself and looked around my room.

"I think I have packed everything that I need." I murmured while putting my hands on my waist.

The drawers were being opened by me because I almost forget something important.

My grandfather's watch.

This watch was his favourite and he gave it to me when he was still alive. I'm his lovely grandson, he was my dearest grandfather.

"I miss you, grandfather."

My thumb stroked the surface of the watch before I turned around, planning to keep the watch in my bag.

Letting it be with me to my new home.

Wait. Something was wrong.

I scanned my room again and again. This was my room. No, this was not my room.

Everything was in its original place but the design, the colour and the shape were all different.

Was I hallucinating?

The sky had switched to dark colour and I saw the full moon. It was morning just now.

What was happening?

Hands touching my pants to search for my phone. Everything would be clear when I found it.

The door swung open and both of us were startled at each other's presence.

"Who are you? You look like me."

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