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Jeong Y/n.

The day came without hesitation. It is nighttime as I'm at home, alone like usual.

The silent air has been interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. I approached the main door, thinking about who will it be.


The one standing in front of me, is he him? Or him? I just stared at him with a poker face but inside of me, I'm in confusion. Please give me an answer.

"I'm Jimin."

He reached out to show me his small scar on his arm. Jimin told me that he fell down when he was little so the scar existed.

How dumb I am. I didn't think about this when I'm with the fake Jimin.

"I'm not Chin Hae."

Jimin is back here. I can meet with Jeong Tae, right? Before I ask him about it, he reached out to give me a small box.

I opened it and recognised the watch. The watch that Chin Hae broke last time. It looks like a new one now.

"Go and see him before it is too late."

His eyes opened slowly when he heard his name.

"Jeong Tae." I called his name again as his pale lips curved slowly.

"Is this a dream?" He asked weakly as he looked straight at me with his watery eyes.

"It feels so real." His hand touched my cheek and stroking it gently.

I could not hold my tears anymore. I grabbed his hand in mine and held it tightly like there is no tomorrow even though it is the truth.

"Jeong Tae, I miss you and love you a lot. Please continue to stay strong." I said.

His hand squeezed my hand slightly.

"You are really here, Y/n." He pulled our intertwining hands on his left chest.

"When I pass away, our memories are still breathing. There is no happy ending for us because we don't have an ending. I will always be with you in your heart. Move on and remember me. Don't stay in the past but live in the present. My clever Y/n will understand what I mean."

Coughs replaced his chuckle. I rubbed his chest to make him feel better while my tears are falling continuously. He shut his eyes and he is struggling to open his eyes.

"Promise me, Y/n." He said in a soft tone, almost like a whisper.

I nodded and said I promise him. He is fighting with the time. I want the time to be the loser but it happened in an opposite way.

"I love you, Y/n."

He went to heaven after he left his last words. After all, he didn't lose the fight because he stayed strong without giving up till the end.

In my heart, he is the winner. I touched his face again. This time, he won't wake up anymore. At least, I get to see him for the last time.

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