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The sky has switched to dark colour and Jeong Tae saw the full moon. He remembered it was morning just now.

What is happening?

Hands touching his pants to search for his phone. Everything will be clear when he finds it.

The door swung open and both of them are startled at each other's presence.

"Who are you? You look like me." He said while observing the other person.

That person runs his fingers through his hair as he is feeling flustered just like Jeong Tae.

"Are you a thief?" A question for Jeong Tae and he replied a no before that person elaborates it.

"You may not believe me but you still have to listen to me."

Park Jimin.

A ray of sunlight came through the window. Waking up with a headache is the most unpleasant thing that happened to me in the early morning.

Sitting on the bed while holding my head that is hurting, I heard someone is knocking on the door and that's when I'm confused.

I live alone so who is it? I looked around and realised that I'm not at my home but Jeong Tae and Y/n's place.

I'm probably in one of the guest rooms. The door swung open as he approached me with a tray.

"Are you feeling better?" Jeong Tae lowered the tray before place it on the table.

I could see a bowl of porridge, a glass of water and a few of medicine.

"No, my head still hurt." I could not stop gazing at his slim figure.

How does he lose so much weight that quickly?

"Eat this porridge first before you take the medicine." He gives me the bowl of porridge and I eat it without any doubt.

"Jimin." He called my name and I nodded as my response.

"Do you remember what you did last night?" He asked.

The spoon clinked when I put it in the bowl.

"We celebrate your birthday and all of us became drunk." I shut and opened my eyes quickly, trying to recall what happened after that.

"And..." I tilted my head before I gave up.

"I forgot." I picked up the spoon and proceed on eating the delicious porridge.

Y/n must be the one who cooked it.

"You know you don't have to go to work today. I told your assistant that you need some rest." He said and I nodded.

I'm thinking about how did he obtain the phone number of my assistant. Maybe, Y/n told him about it.

"Where is Y/n? And you don't have to go to work?" I asked curiously.

"She went to work. I need some rest because I'm not feeling well too after last night." He answered.

"I see." I finished the porridge. I need to thank Y/n later.

"Then, let's have lunch together. I need to buy something for my client's birthday." I'm searching for my phone but it was nowhere to be seen.

"Jeong Tae, can you call me so that I know where my phone is at?" I requested.

"I think your phone is missing. I tried to find it for you before you awake but I could not find it."

That means I have to buy a new one. I always keep my phone in my pocket so why did it go missing?

Did someone take it from me? Jungkook? Jeong Tae?

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