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Jeong Y/n.

The rain is hitting the window vigorously. I carefully place his arms away from me before I closed the window quietly while glancing at him.

Jeong Tae is still sleeping soundly. The clock let me know that it is 2:36 am. I lie down on the bed again as I turned to the other side because my phone is vibrating.

It is an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered the call as I'm sitting on the bed. I'm speaking quietly because I don't want to wake him up.

"Y/n?" The other line spoke. I recognise this voice. It is my best friend, Park Jimin.

"Jimin?" I am wondering why he calls me at this hour. Something bad has happened to him? No. No. No.

"Yes, I'm Jimin." I asked for the reason of this call.

"Can I stay over at your place? I lost the key of my house." He said in a sad tone.

"Of course, just come here. I will prepare the room for you." He should have prepared a spare key.

Now, he is homeless.

"Y/n, can I have your home address?"

"I thought you know where my house is at?" I replied.

He has visited my place more than 10 times.

"I don't remember it."

Then, there is only one possibility.

"Are you drunk?" I shook my head slightly.

Why did he drink again when he is not feeling well? Did something happen?

"Maybe a little."

"Tell me where you are, I will come and fetch you." I glanced at Jeong Tae again.

He is not awake.

"No." I stopped walking toward the door.

"I will go to your house by taxi. Just tell me your home address." He said.

I feel something is fishy but I still do what he said. After all, he is my best friend.

"I will send it to this phone number." I hang up on him.

I heard the sound of Jeong Tae moving as I turned to the back. Our eyes meet and he sits on the bed, looking at me worrying.

"Why are you awake? Are you ok?" He placed his warm hand on my forehead to check my temperature. I chuckled at his reaction.

I let myself fall into his arms.

"I was awake to close the window because it is raining." His arms wrapped around me tightly.

"Let's sleep." He pushed me gently to lie down on the bed with him. I tried to prevent him to do that but I failed to do so.

"You sleep first." He feels confused with what I said.

"Jimin is coming here to stay over." I told him the reason.

"I see. You sleep first, Y/n. I will open the door for him." He patted my back and rub it gently.

I replied ok and I shut my eyes.

Kim Jeong Tae.

Ding dong.

My hand on the doorknob as I turned it. Pushing the door to open it completely as I saw him who looks shocked when he saw me.

"Hi. I'm Y/n's best friend." He greeted me without knowing he made a mistake.

"She gave me the permission to stay over. I hope you don't mind." He wants to handshake with me.

I thought he is a left-handed person but he is not. He pulled his hand back because I just stayed silent and do nothing.

"You are not going to let me in?" He questioned me as I gaze at him before I say.

"You are not Park Jimin."

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