
240 44 12

Jeong Y/n.

"I know something bad is happening. I will wait for you to share it with me. Remember that I'm always here with you, Jeong Tae."

My thumb is caressing his cheek while we are cuddling. Every night, we will just stare into each other's eyes without speaking till we fall asleep.

Somehow it is addictive.

He pulled me closer to him even though we are very close already. His heartbeat created a heavenly melody.

I guess, he is able to hear mine too.

"Don't worry, y/n." He put his hand on my hair and stroked it before he leans forward and leaves a soft kiss on it.

I don't need the time to stop at this beautiful moment because the time should let us create more of it.

"What if there is another world other than this, would you love the one who resembles me because you love me?"

I asked him that question as I remembered what Jimin told me during our dinner.

In the darkness, I still could see his eyes opened wide slightly as if he is shocked.

It is understandable since my reaction is the same as his when Jimin asked me.

"Did Jimin told you something? What did he say?" He asked me curiously.

"He just asked me that question and the question is about you." I answered.

"My question for you is about me. What is your answer?" I asked.

"I probably will love her since she resembles you. As time goes by, I will know the difference between you and her because she is not you after all. The feeling is different."

I chuckled at his answer.

"You know, my answer is similar to yours." I hug him tightly.

"You smell good even though your scent is different from before." I said.

"Do I make you feel different?" He intertwined our hands.

"Or it is still the same?" He looked at me, waiting for my answer patiently.

"Sometimes, there is something that makes me feel like you are not Jeong Tae but another person and I don't know what is that thing." I said.

"But there is one thing that I'm certain with it. My heart races when I'm with you."


Y/n's grandfather is the first person to discover the watch and use it. As times goes by, he knows what he should do to go to another world.

He always went to the hidden world, just to see his daughter.

He didn't meet the one who resembles him because he went there at the right time, at the time where the one is not at home.

One day, he feels that he should stop doing it as he feels guilty for disturbing their life.

He planned to throw it away but the sadness of another person prevent him to do that.

He met Jeong Tae's grandfather who was crying silently while sat in front of the main door of his house.

"Are you ok? Why are you crying?" He asked him while patted his back, hoping to make him feel better.

Jeong Tae's grandfather told him that his wife has passed away in the morning, that's why he was crying.

He was missing her.

After a moment of silence between them, he decided to give him the watch.

"With this, you will be able to meet her again." He sat beside him to tell him the secret.

"Think of her while touching the watch. The hidden world will reveal itself to you."

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