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Kim Taehyung.

"Sir, your coffee is here." One of my housekeepers placed a cup of black coffee on the bedside table.

I thanked her before she left my room. My back is leaning against the headboard.

My eyes are staring at the view through the window. The beautiful sunrise and the birds are singing.

Did she sleep well last night? Is she taking care of herself? Does he make her sad again? Is he treating her well? How are her parents?

How are my parents?

Looking down at my hands that are getting thinner every time when I see them.

I don't have much time left and he changed.

Not a workaholic anymore but a good boyfriend. Perhaps, he is slowly showing his true self that has been hidden because of me.

Our meeting is a coincidence or fate?

He assists me and I help him. Each of us has gained the benefit and obtain what we want in our lives. 

That's our happy ending.

Jeong Y/n.

The clouds gathered, sending the rain to the dry ground. Umbrella opening sound can be heard repeatedly since it is the time for everyone to get off from work.

I saw a familiar figure walking toward me while holding an umbrella. The one I love.

"I miss you." He intertwined our hands as we are under the umbrella.

He is different from before. The new him is gone and the old him is back.

"I miss you more. Did you wait for me for a long time?" His schedule has included bringing me to work and home.

I told him he doesn't need to do that but he insists.

"No, but yes, so where is my kiss?" He leans his face forward before I touched his lips with mine for a moment.

Our lips curved, expressing happiness.

"Let's go home, I will prepare dinner for us." Jeong Tae wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

It is an unnecessary action because the umbrella is not small but suitable for two people.

However, I'm not complaining.

The car door opened by him and I get into the car. The rain hits the windshield continuously.

My gaze stopped at a person that is standing not that far away from me. Even though I could not see it clearly, but I feel like he is looking in my direction.

Is he staring at me? Somehow he looks familiar.

It seems like he caught me gazing at him. He pulled the cap lower to shield his eyes before he vanished out of my view.

Jeong Tae?

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