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Kim Jeong Tae.

Today is the last day of Chin Hae being Jimin. I told Jungkook to have dinner with Y/n so that I can meet with Chin Hae at my place.

Since I have to meet with Jimin and him so we have to do it at my place because his house is at the same location as mine.

Who? The one who resembles me.

"You are here." Chin Hae just arrived and he sat on the sofa.

I didn't see the sadness on his face as he is relaxed. Luckily, he didn't fall in love with Jimin's life. I hope so.

"I don't break promises." He stood up as he is facing me.

The watch is in his hand. He holds it tightly and this action gives me a sudden premonition of he is going to do something bad.

"Can I have a glass of orange juice before we do what we should do?" A simple request by him and I'm feeling uneasy.

"Sure." I keep on turning back to look at him while walking toward the kitchen.

A continuous loud sound can be heard in the living room as I run to that place. He is hitting the watch vigorously with a hammer.

"You-" I quickly pushed him away as he fell down on the floor.

It is too late. The surface of the watch is broken into small pieces like my heart.

"Why did you break it?!" I shouted at him.

All he does is laughing. He gets up slowly, brushing his clothes a few times before he comes closer to me.

"Watch is broken, the hidden world disappeared. I remain here, you too." He lightly patted my shoulder.

"Ask yourself, are you sad? I don't think so. You can have Y/n and not that guy."

I didn't tell him anything about me so he assumed I'm not the real Kim Jeong Tae. He guessed I belong to another world just like him.

Am I happy?

I'm not. Even if I could stay here like him, I don't feel any happiness because I deceived her and the world for my own benefit.

The watch is the only tool to connect with the another world. Y/n may be able to see the real Jeong Tae again.

Now, it will be a dream.

"Also, you need to be prepared." He took a step back and clapped his hands.

"Before I came here, I already told Y/n about the hidden world and that I'm not Jimin through phone call." He smirked.

"I guess she is doubting about you right now."

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