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Park Jimin.

"Cheers!" We all clinked our glasses together and drank them. To be honest, all of us are in a drunk state except Y/n.

We are in Jeong Tae and Y/n's place to celebrate the birthday of Jeong Tae. I like him more than before because he starts to become a real boyfriend to Y/n.

"You guys should rest now." Y/n wrapped her arms around Jungkook to help him to walk properly toward the guest room.

I followed them, leaving Jeong Tae in the living room. Right now, I just want to lie down on a bed and have a good sleep. My head hurts so much.

We walked across the stairs to upstairs. She opened a door and walked inside with Jungkook. I leaned my back against the wall to support myself while waiting for her.

I have an urge to go to the washroom. Dragging my feet toward a room, I realised that this is their bedroom.

Just when I want to leave, I saw a watch on the bedside table. It looked similar to the one my mother gave me as my birthday present when I was 17 years old.

I take it in my hands, smiling softly as it makes me miss my parents who are living in Busan. I came to Seoul because of work. I have not met them for a few months already.

"I miss you." I murmured before placed it back on the bedside table.

Turning around, I saw Jeong Tae is standing with his hands in his pant pockets. His eyes opened wide as if I have done something that is wrong.


I furrow my brow, feeling confused. Is not he is drunk too? But why he looks like he is not? I took a step back before I sit on something soft.

My attention is on that soft thing. It is a bed. Tilting my head, I leaned forward to observe the bedsheet.

I remembered the colour should be blue but why is this a black bed sheet?

I am in their room, right?

Even though my eyes feel heavy, I still managed to look around my surroundings. Why it is different from before?

I feel so sleepy right now as I closed my eyes before I lie down on the bed and fall asleep.

Kim Taehyung.

I shook his body to know did he had fallen asleep. Why is he here? Where is the watch? I looked at his empty hands.

When he comes here, the watch will be with him. As I turned to my right, I spotted the watch as it is on the bedside table.

I keep it in my pant pocket, doesn't want him to touch it again. I stared at him who is sleeping soundly.

"You should not be here, Jimin."

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