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Park Jimin.

"I will stay here for a while, you guys can go back first." Jeong Tae sits comfortably on a seat near the counter.

He is staring at the cashier we encountered just now. He is making Y/n feeling sad, doesn't he knows about it?

What a nice boyfriend he is.

She stayed silent while standing in the same place, looking at Jeong Tae who is staring at another girl.

"Let's go." I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, pulled her gently toward the exit.

"Y/n, I saw some interesting things just now." I am trying to shift her attention.

Jeong Y/n.

I'm scared. He will leave me soon. It is obvious that he doesn't love me anymore. I'm holding back my tears.

Jimin noticed it as he stopped talking. He knows I need some time to be alone and clear my mind.

We reached the mansion after 15 minutes. It seems like Jungkook and his girlfriend know our arrival as they come out to help us carry things.

I am focusing on taking the things that are in the trunk of the car until I heard his voice which makes me surprised.

"Let me help you, Y/n." It is Jeong Tae. Why is he here? Shouldn't he be at the coffee shop?

Jimin seems to be shocked like me but we ignore it first since we need to start to prepare for the barbecue party tonight.

I went to my room to take a bath after we have done prepared everything. I noticed Jeong Tae is following me.

"Jeong Tae, I thought you are staying at the coffee shop?" Both of us are in my room as I approached the closet to take my clothes.

I'm hiding my sadness.

"I brought this for you." I can feel his presence. I turned around and he is in front of me.

A small box in his hand while he is looking at me in a loving way with a smile on his face.

Slowly, he opened it.

A couple rings.

He takes my hand and wears it for me before he did the same for himself. He lets me experience a different kind of emotion in one day.

Like a roller-coaster, up and down.

He intertwined our hands before he speaks.

"I saw this and thought of you so I brought it for you, for us." He leans in and pecks my forehead.

"I love you, Y/n."

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