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Kim Jeong Tae.

The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. She doesn't utter a word to me after what I have said to her.

My gaze fixed at the gloomy sky. No star, no moon. She is not with me, I'm alone in this room. Why do I feel lonely?

Am I missing her presence?

Why? I don't know the reason. Will my heart gives me an answer or did it already gave me an answer but I choose to ignore it?

Am I falling for her?

I shut my eyes, recalling the moment of me meeting her for the first time. She has that beautiful smile on her face. 

Arms wide opened before she approached me to give me a hug. My heart was pounding. I'm sure she heard it clearly.

At that moment, I know I'm in danger. My feelings for her will grow for sure.

Even though I can love her but I don't want to do that when I remembered the one she loves is not me.

Actually, I am pretending to be a workaholic because that's the only way for me to avoid her.

I distance myself from her.

I should face the truth, the fact that I have fallen for her. I will take her sadness away and be the cause of her euphoria.

I turned around to open the door as someone is knocking on it.

"Y/n?" She is here, at the right time.

"I want to tell you something, can we talk?" I requested.

"I was here to do that too." She said as I stand aside to let her come in before I closed the door.

I sit on my bed and pulled the chair which she is sitting on it closer to me. She is startled but she pretends to be fine.

"I want to apologise to you. I'm sorry, Y/n." Looking straight into her eyes and I continued.

"I should not treat you coldly and also put all of my attention on my work only." I grabbed her hands in mine, feeling the warmth of it.

"About her, she is the cashier of the coffee shop. I want to be friend with her because she looks similar to a friend of mine. After all, we are only friend." I said.

She looked down at our hands and I speak.

"Please forgive me and give me a chance to be better, Y/n." Her gaze is still fixed on our hands.

"Jeong Tae." She grabbed my hands and caressing them.

"I forgive you. Please don't do that again, you make me feel that you are going to leave me for someone else." She said.

"I promise you, Y/n." I pulled her into a hug while ruffling her soft hair. Even though your heart races for him, I will still protect you.

The one I love is you.

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