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Kim Jeong Tae.

"Don't touch me." Y/n stayed away from me when I want to grab her hand and apologise.

She didn't block my number but wanted to have a talk. Here we are, at our place.

"I'm sorry, Jeong-" She licked her lips.

"I'm not sure are you Jeong Tae but the things that Jimin told me seems to be real. That's why I'm here, I need an explanation before I decide should I trust you." She said.

I looked at her who is avoiding my gaze. My heart is hurting. After I told her the truth, what will happen to us?

I lowered my head and sigh silently. After all, the truth will be revealed someday.

"I'm not Kim Jeong Tae." Finally, our eyes met. Hesitation would not be able to stop me to continue to say it.

"I'm Kim Taehyung."


Taehyung owns a company named V company. The company sold watches like what he is doing right now as Jeong Tae.

He was an orphan. His parents abandoned him.

The little him who didn't receive love from his parents were always feeling lonely. It also caused him to not trust people easily because of that.

He was afraid that they will leave him in the end.

At first, he doesn't trust what Jeong Tae told him but Jeong Tae vanished in front of him and came back later so he believed him, accepted the existence of another word.

After that, they get to know each other more. 

"Taehyung, I need your help." He showed him his medical records. Taehyung was shocked at what he was seeing right now.

Final stages of cancer.

"I want you to replace me in my world. I don't have much time left, the doctor said I left one month to live." His eyes lowered, staring at the floor.

"I didn't let my parents and my girlfriend, Y/n know about it. I don't want them to be worried about me and even cry for me." Tears formed in his eyes.

He will miss them but he hopes that they will forget about him.

"Please be me and I will be you." 

Kim Taehyung.

"In the end, I promised to be him because he has a happy family, a girlfriend and a lot of friends which is something that I don't have and afraid to have."

I looked at her who is lowering her head. I saw her tears are falling. I want to hug her in my arms but I couldn't do that and shouldn't do that.

I should stop taking advantage of having a similar face with Jeong Tae to receive love from her.

"Sometimes, I will go back to my own world and he will come here. Before, the one who treated you coldly was me while the one who treated you like his princess was him."

"I still have the fear that you will leave me someday if I treat you well so I being a cold person but then I realised I have fallen for you."

"I started to change and treat you well. I will also feel guilty of lying to you, pretending to be him."

"Most of the people in my world are left-handed while it is the opposite in here. I trained myself to be a right-handed person."

I showed her the broken watch.

"When you touch it while thinking about a person, you will find yourself in another world."

She looked at the watch and picked up a piece of it. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I break your heart.

"After Chin Hae broke it, I tried to go to another world but it doesn't happen. I'm still here after I tried for many times."

She placed it carefully back in my hand.

"I guess the hidden world will forever disappear."

She will leave me. She will hate me. I will be alone because of what I did.

"Taehyung." She called my name without gazing at me. I could see her tears that fell on her hands.

"Thank you for telling me the truth. I was disappointed at his decision but at the same time, I understand him."

Standing up from her seat, she keeps her gaze on the floor.

"Can you tell me how much time he left?"

I observe her every movement as I answered.

"Probably 6 days left."

She nodded as a response before she approached the door and faced me while looking at my hand.

"I want to meet them right now but as you said the watch is broken. We couldn't do anything about it. I guess I should call this fate."

She looked straight into my eyes. I can't stand her being sad and I'm in pain too.

"You should continue to live as him without me."

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