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Day and night are passing, he is always there, in one place with one intention.

When he is hungry, he will ignore it. When he is sleepy, he will slap and pinch his face to make himself awake.

The watch needs to be fixed.

Taehyung wants them to be able to meet again. Most of the time, he stayed in his office room for 6 days.

Fixing it over 100 times, he finally succeeded to repair it.

After that, he went to another world and brought Jimin back with him.

Overworking has caused him to be in a hospital right now but he doesn't regret his decision.

Kim Taehyung.

Opening my eyes, I feel like I have been sleeping for weeks. I am feeling much better than before. The sunlight brightens the room as the wind brushes lightly on my skin.

"Mr Kim, can you hear me?" A male voice asked me and soon, I figured he is a doctor.

"Do you know what is your name?" He is writing something down.

Where am I? I should be Taehyung or Jeong Tae? I looked at the surroundings to have an answer to my questions.

I saw her with Jimin. They are standing aside while gazing at me.

"I'm Kim Jeong Tae." They replied ok and checked my condition before they left the room.

I tried to get up but a hand stopped me.

"Stay still, you are a patient." Her voice is what I want to hear every second.

She grabbed a straw that is in a glass of water before she lets me drink it.

I don't dare to look at her so I will always look at her surroundings. I feel guilty. I am a sinner. I should be punished.

Why is she here? Is she caring for me? Or it is because of him?

"Taehyung, don't overthink. You should rest for now. We will leave here after Jimin makes the payment."

She sat on the chair beside me as she is facing me while I am staring at the ceiling.

It is awkward.

"Thank you for fixing it. I'm sorry to make you overwork." She broke the silence.

"About us, I'm not sure am I loving you, the real you. I assume you also feeling uncertain about your feelings for me." She lowered her head as I stared at her.

"Are you loving me because you are pretending as him and I'm his girlfriend. Am I loving you because you resemble him. We are stuck between these circumstances. Am I right?" She lifted her gaze.

This time, I'm not avoiding her stare because I have an answer to her question.

"I'm loving you as Kim Taehyung. My heart already gave me an answer for it. If you don't trust me,"

I grabbed her hand gently before placed it on my heart.

"Listen to my heartbeat, it is beating fast when I'm with you. You are my joy and you always will be, Y/n."

She cut me off when I want to apologise.

"Don't apologise, it already happened. Let the past stays in the past." The next thing she does makes me feel confused and shocked.

She intertwined our hands.

"Would you give me an answer for my confusion?"

She is giving me a green light. She is giving us a chance.

This is something that I didn't expect but wished to come true. I gave her a grin as she returned a smile.

"I always will, Y/n."

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