
433 39 1

Kim Jeong Tae.

In my office room, I loosened my black tie after I completed some paperwork.

I rubbed the back of my neck repeatedly. I'm tired but I enjoyed the process.

Yes, I admit I'm a workaholic.

A few knocks on the door before my personal assistant walked closer to me.

"You are still here, didn't I tell you to leave first? It is 11:35 pm, Miss Kang."

She takes a seat across me as she stared into my eyes.

"I'm waiting for you, Mr Kim."

I know what kind of person she is but she is good at handling tasks so I didn't plan to dismiss her at the moment.

"I'm going back home." Ignoring her is the thing that I can do right now. I grabbed my bag and she held my hand.

"Let's go back home together."

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