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Jeong Y/n.

The peaceful atmosphere, the slow and romantic song make me feel relaxed. Valentine day has arrived.

I have a boyfriend but I don't have a valentine.

"So, he is still working?" Jimin who is sitting across from me asked.

"It is 10:50 pm, he is still in his office? Unbelievable."

I asked him to have dinner with me since I will be eating alone like always.

He doesn't have a lover, just like me?

"It is not something new for me and you, Jimin." I'm telling the truth.

"But still," He is trying to find the right words to speak.

"He changed, the new him is like a heartbeat, hard to predict."

He never fails to understand me even when I hide my sad thoughts with myself.

"I don't understand why a perfect person like you don't have a lover." I shook my head slightly which made him chuckle.

Turning the doorknob as the door swung open. Finally, I'm home. It is quite late since we ignored the time while busy chatting.

The dark living room welcomed me, urge me to switch on the light as I did. What I saw in front of me is familiar to me.

The big space with a lonely figure is something that I experienced quite a lot these days.

I let out a deep sigh as I walked to the kitchen, opening the door of the fridge.

I want to drink something that is sweet but I saw another sweeter thing.

Happy valentine day, Y/n.

The sentence on the cake has touched my heart. What happens next got me surprised.

He is back, the old him.

"I brought that for you and this." His hands that are hiding behind him can be seen now.

He is holding something that I'm not expecting, the couple watches.

Without asking for my permission, he wears it on my left hand before he shows me his left hand.

"I am wearing it too."

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