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I will answer your confusion.

In the previous chapters, even when it is Taehyung's point of view but I still wrote it as Jeong Tae's point of view is because everyone see him as Jeong Tae.

I also did the same to Jimin and Chin Hae.

Another reason is because it is not the right time to reveal it. I want the readers to stay curious.

Do you remember the chapter where Taehyung grabbed his spoon using his left hand? I gave a hint here.

The watch was in the backyard of the grandparents of Y/n. Her grandfather found it and used it.

After that, he met with Jeong Tae's grandfather and gave it to him.

Later, Jeong Tae received it from his grandfather but he didn't tell him about the secret.

He found it out himself accidentally. 

Feels free to ask other questions.

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