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Park Chin Hae.

We made a deal.

That guy named Jeong Tae has to tell me everything that related to Jimin and I will go back to my world after 5 days of being Jimin.

I will also return the watch to him. He must make sure that I'm safe and I will not tell Y/n about it.

Jimin's life is my dream. He has an elegant house, a modern car, a successful company and a handsome face.

I'm glad that I look similar to him. Now, I can have fun whenever I want.

Stepping on the brake, the car slowed down and stopped in front of a building. My company. Yes, mine.

The things that belong to Jimin is mine for now. She is coming out of the building as I get out of the car.

"Y/n." With a smile, she is walking toward me.


"Jimin, you are ok?"

The reason why she asked that question is that I will not go to work for 5 days with the reason of not feeling well.

The truth is I don't want to work.

"Yes, I am. Thanks for asking. Jeong Tae said he could not come and fetch you because he has a meeting right now." I'm an actor.

"So, do you want to have dinner together?" I asked.

Looking at her confused face, I continued to say what I have prepared.

"He could not inform you because his phone shut down as no battery left." She nodded at my explanation.

"Then sure." She accepted as we get into my car. I searched my pocket and my car to find my phone.

"I'm sorry, Y/n but can I borrow your phone to call myself so that I know where my phone is at?" She gave me her phone without any hesitation.

I went to her contact number and blocked Jeong Tae's number before I call myself.

I heard my phone is ringing and I turned back. It was in the backseat. I placed it there.

"Here is it." My plan is going well.

Game start.

Kim Jeong Tae.

"Thank you so much. See you soon." The meeting just finished.

I didn't get to let Y/n know about it because it was a sudden meeting. Is she waiting for me? I didn't receive call and message from her.

I walked at a fast pace to the elevator as it is getting down. Finally, I reached the car park and I get into my car quickly.

I called her number but she didn't answer my call.

"The number you have dialled is currently out of reach. You will be directed to voicemail after the beep."

Is she ok? Where is Chin Hae? Without any delay, I call Chin Hae to know is she with him.

Y/n doesn't know Chin Hae is not Jimin so she probably will follow him when he asks her to do so.

"Mr Kim, how are you?" The other line spoke.

I dislike his attitude but I have to endure it for 2 days more. Then, he will be gone in this world.

"Is Y/n with you?" I started the engine of my car and wear the seat belt. I want her to be safe, please.

"Yes." The other line replied in a calm tone but I'm not calm right now. He better doesn't do any bad things to her.

"You know, she is lying on the bed that you guys sleep at. In the morning, the first person she usually will see is you but tomorrow, I'm going to be you."

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