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Jeong Y/n.

Day 2. Here we are, at one of the popular amusement parks. After 15 minutes of playing with it, I have to go back with Jeong Tae to our mansion.

He vomited and started not feeling well after the ride on the roller-coaster. He feels weak and he needs some rest.

The others continue to enjoy it. At first, they wanted to follow us to go back because they feel bad but I managed to persuade them.

He took the medicine and fall asleep in his room. Yes, his chosen room. Last night, he slept in my room.

Not today?

I went to the kitchen, wanting to cook porridge for him. While I am preparing the ingredients, I heard footsteps behind me.

When I turned around, I saw Jeong Tae is smiling widely when our eyes meet. His pale face changed as he looked better than before.

"Do you feel better now?" I approached him and touched his warm forehead.

"Yes, are you cooking? Let me help you." He ruffles my hair before he glanced at the kitchen.

"You should rest, Jeong Tae. I will bring it to you after I am done cooking it." I said.

I noticed his thumb is covered with plaster. I don't remember seeing it before. I grabbed his hand and asked him about it.

"I hurt myself with a knife accidentally while cooking."

I furrowed my brow as I'm confusing about it. I don't think I have seen him cooking these days. He seems to notice my confusion.

"Y/n, my head hurts." He is holding his head with his closed eyes.

"I will go to rest."

Kim Jeong Tae.

I opened my eyes and I saw I was in my room. Slowly, I get up to lean my back against the headboard.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I am feeling better than before. The door swung open, revealed Y/n who is holding a bowl.

She comes closer to me and asked.

"Are you feeling better now? Is your head still hurting?"

She placed the bowl on the bedside table before she poured the drinking water into a glass.

I reached out to take it when she gave it to me. 


Her hand is still holding the glass while staring at my left hand. Confusion on her face as well as on mine.

What is she thinking?

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