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Kim Jeong Tae.

I patiently waited for her to get off from work. I stood up from my seat when I saw she is holding her bag and waved to her colleagues.

"Hi." I approached her who is smiling politely at me.

"Do you speak Korean?" I asked in the English language.

"Yes, I do." She nodded.

"I saw you sitting there for a few hours already. Are you waiting for someone?" She asked curiously.

"I'm waiting for you. Do you want to have dinner together?" I am blushing slightly as I put my hands in my pants pockets.

She is the only one that will make me feel that way. Even though I know she is not her but still, she is her.

"I want to be friend with you."

This is the only way for her to not reject me. Fortunately, she said yes. She brought me to a famous restaurant and we had dinner together.

She graduated from a university in Seoul so that's the reason why she knows how to speak Korean. It is nice to spend time with her.

Jeong Y/n.

The barbecue party ended peacefully, we laughed a lot just now as we talked about our school life and others.

Each of us went back to our own room and relax. I am watching the television while sitting on the bed. Jeong Tae went to take a shower.

I stared at the ring he gave me. My lips curved, forming a soft smile. I love it. I love him. But, I still feel insecure about our relationship.

While I am lost in thought, I feel a hand holding mine as I flinched. It is Jeong Tae, he is sitting beside me.

"Are you ok? Something seems to bother you, Y/n." He looked at me worrying while caressing my hand.

I hugged him tightly as if it will be my last time to do that. He seems to be shocked slightly by my sudden hug.

"Tell me what is bothering you, share it with me, I want to know it all." He hugs back tightly while ruffling my hair.

"It doesn't bother me anymore. You are here with me, that's all that matters." I am telling the truth.

"Y/n." He called my name in a soft tone as I pulled away, staring at his lovely eyes.

"Promise me, you will remember me." He said.

"I definitely will do that." Our gazes are still fixed at each other as I continued.

"You are my love and my world."

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