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Jeong Y/n.

"Here you go, a cup of green tea." I placed the cup on the table in the living room.

We just came back after had dinner and he wanted to stay here for a moment.

"Thank you, beautiful Y/n." He sipped the drink as I sit beside him, furrowing my brows because of his words but I shrugged it off.

Suddenly, some noises are produced from the door before it swung open, revealed Jeong Tae. He ran toward me after glanced at me and Jimin.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He grabbed my hands and scanned me from top to bottom. What happened? Why is he worrying?

"I'm fine, Jeong Tae. What happened?" I saw him glared at Jimin before he looked at me and tell me to not worry because everything is fine.

He thoughts that I will believe him.

"You are back from the meeting, Jeong Tae." Jimin said as he stood up to give him a hug but Jeong Tae took a step back.

"Y/n, I will go out with Jimin to have a drink. I will be back soon."

Kim Jeong Tae.

I brought him with me to the nearest beach to have a talk with him. Even though he deceived me but I'm glad that it is a lie.

"What is your plan?" A simple question for him. I can feel he looked at me before he says.

"Do the things that I couldn't do in my world." He approached me and whisper.

"Including sleep with Y/n." He smirked as I grabbed his shirt collar vigorously.

"Don't touch her or else-" I stopped talking. There is nothing that I can do to him.

"Or else?" He pushed me away as I stepped backwards.

"What can you do? Kill me? Then, you will be in jail. Sue me? I can go back to my world and your friend will be the one the police is finding."

He put his hand on my shoulder and brush my clothes.

"You can't do anything but to obey me." He slapped my face lightly a few times.

"I will stay in this world for one more day because you just grabbed my shirt collar." He took a step back.

"You are disrespecting me so I will stay and make you suffer."

I stared at his back as he is leaving the place. Letting out a deep sigh, I ran my finger through my hair.

I shouldn't continue being this weak. I have to do something.

Y/n, I'm sorry.

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