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chapter five

"Sirius Black!"

Arabella froze on the spot, her mouth hanging slightly open in utter shock. Her face was riddled with emotions of either shock or horror, maybe both. It really couldn't be true, how on earth would her father have got into the heavily guarded castle, completely avoiding the hundreds of Dementors that swarmed the grounds and managing to get right up to the entrance of the Gryffindor common room unnoticed.

He must have slipped into the castle whilst the rest of the school were visiting Hogsmeade, and that must have meant that both Sirius Black and herself were in the same castle at the same time. The thought agitated her, and the fact that he had the audacity to come into her school made her feel sick.

Kurt grabbed Lawrence's wrist and him, Fred and Lee all scurried back up the moving staircases to join the rest of their friends whilst Sage and Arabella still stood, frozen with fear.

"Sage I-"

"It's okay Elle," Sage interrupted, gripping Arabella's shoulder lightly, "We all know it isn't your fault okay?"

She smiled weakly back over at Sage as she spoke, "I know Sage but.."

"Stop doubting yourself! I promise you that whatever .. he .. does next will never be blamed on you okay?" She pulled Arabella into a tight hug, "Now go find Harry, Ron and Hermione since I'm sure they will know what to do."

Sage turned around and took off up the stairs after Lawrence and the Weasley twins, now leaving Arabella stranded and alone until only seconds later Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter scrambled down the stairs to meet Arabella, who was more than overjoyed to see them.

"Dumbledore has made the teachers make everyone to sleep in the Great hall tonight since well .. Black has got into the castle," Hermione stated, looking worryingly across her shoulders, "He just thinks that it would be the safest option for us to not sleep in the dorms tonight really, you know since Black could be anywhere in the castle and it would just be safer to keep us all in the same place tonight while they figure out where he is."

The Gryffindors were the first to sleep in the hall that night, quickly followed by the Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and finally the Slytherins who didn't hesitate to make and rude remarks about Sirius Black towards not Harry but Arabella. She ignored them regardless, but it did help when the teachers told them all they would lose over forty housepoints each if any of them spoke again, that had really shut them all up for once.

The majority of the hall was deadly silent as the light from the candles hissed away, leaving the room in total and complete darkness apart from the faint glow of Professor McGonnagal's candle as she patrolled the room.

Arabella's eyes twitched open as she noticed the light getting closer and closer to her bed until she heard a faint whisper from McGonnagal, "I am very sorry to disturb you Miss Black, but Dumbledore urgently requires you to meet in his office."

PINK LEMONADE {Sirius Black's daughter}Where stories live. Discover now