𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐈

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Chapter Twelve

Everyone was dead silent, even Peter's mouth was slightly agape in a frozen mixture of fear and terror. The panic that spread across Lupin's face was soon overcome by that of one with snarling teeth, cold grey eyes and faded scars across his face.

"No for gods sake Moony!" Maya pushed Arabella behind Sirius and ran up, with no hesitation, to the half-warewolf half-human, "Moony!"

Sirius grabbed his daughters hand quickly and kneeled down so he was level with her, "Don't come after us do you understand?"

She nodded hesitantly as he broke free of her grip and hurried over to help Maya. Arabella thudded back down onto the floor in a daze, watching the scene unfold in front of her. But just as she was doing that, out of the corner of her eye she noticed Pettigrew grinning slyly. And, as she turned around to see what he was doing - he had already turned into a rat and ran away.

"Shit, shit, shitting hell!" Ron muttered, just as Maya and Sirius were both flung back into a nearby bush and over a small ledge by the new fully werewolf Lupin.

"Jesus Christ."

The four of them held still, watching silently as the wolf stood up on its hind legs and sniffed about. Arabella swore she could see everyone flinch a little as it's cold, prying eyes landed on the four of them, a low growl escaping from the corner of its mouth.

"Wait here," Hermione whispered, creeping away from the group and further towards the wolf, "It's okay, you are Professor Lupin remember..."

The wolf snarled louder, attempting to swipe at Hermione but before it could, a large, greasy, black-haired man came from out of no where and sheltered the four of them, "Stay back!"

Snape aimed his wand at the wolf, shooting a few curses and hexes that it narrowly missed. But a piercing, high pitched howl from beyond the hill they were sat on alerted the wolf into the forbidden forest. And their disastrous calamity was finally over.

"Are any of you hurt." Snape demanded.

Arabella shook her head as she brushed over her now slightly muddy clothes. She had a small cut above her eyebrow but that was about it, and it wasn't bleeding too badly anyway. But Snape's comment alerted her to think about something else. Her parents.

Without asking for permission from Snape or any hesitation, she set off pushing past him and running as quick as her body would carry her to the site where she had witnessed Maya-Rose and Sirius Black tumble past a small ledge and into a clump of prickly bushes below.


"Be quiet Snivelly!" She screamed back at him as she ran into the nearby forest, quite oblivious to the semi-large drop below her which she of course had to stumble into and judging by the newly found throbbing pain in her ankle, she had definitely either sprained injured it in some form.

PINK LEMONADE {Sirius Black's daughter}Where stories live. Discover now