𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈

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DIGGORYChapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Arabella never actually learnt what the words 'it's happened' were referring to, and had in fact dedicating the entire afternoon to finding out what 'it' was. She had stealthily attempted to pester Mr and Mrs Weasley but they wouldn't budge, kindly suggesting to her that she was to shrug it off and forget about everything so she could enjoy the evening.

So that's exactly what she tried to do, and everyone went about the day seemingly forgetting about what had happened earlier, not willing to strike up a conversation on it at all or at least not around Mr and Mrs Weasley. Apart from one person, who seemed just as keen to find out as Arabella, if not more.

The rest of the afternoon did go in the direction of a rather enjoyable one however, the entire Weasley family along with Harry, Hermione and Arabella had a tremendously large dinner in the back garden, aside from Percy who Charlie and Bill were eager to torment all evening. All this excitement definitely did ease her nerves about the situation, and eventually the whole fainting episode was pushed right at the back of her mind, replaced and filled with thoughts of the magnificent day to come at the Quidditch World Cup final.

It seemed the whole household was equally as excited as herself about the event, Harry and Hermione especially as they had never been to such event before. Harry and Ron proudly announced that they would be supporting the Bulgarians, whilst Ginny, Hermione and Arabella were keen to show their support for the Irish who were definitely due to win according to the twins.

"We're going to be right in the top box! I can't believe it." Ginny grinned as she slowly made her way up the stairs, followed by Arabella.

"Your Dad was so bloody lucky to find those tickets." She smiled back, entering the bedroom where Hermione was already invested in what looked like an incredibly deep sleep.

"Arabella?" She asked quietly, closing the door behind her as the last remnants of light from the hallway scattered through the room.


"I heard Mum speaking to Dad before, about you know, what happened," She paused, as if to choose her next few words carefully, "They said Dumbledore will need to speak to you about everything as soon as you get back."

"That's great." Arabella slumped back into her sleeping back, drawing the covers past her face. She still hadn't forgotten about her recent feud with Dumbledore, and rage filled her every being just thinking about talking with him.

"Are you... you know," Ginny glanced around her cautiously, "alright after everything, do you know what happened? Mum won't tell us-"

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