𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈

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Chapter Twenty Two

A low mumble broke out across the room, almost as inaudible as a fleet of whispers travelling rapidly through the room. Most of these quiet muttering ended in an agonisingly long glare towards Arabella, who scratched her head awkwardly and fixated her gaze towards the table.

But her suffering was thankfully cut short by a loud crack of eerily loud lightning splitting the hall's sky in all its icy glory, inducing a collective child-like scream from the whole of the Great Hall, aside from most of the professors of course.

Something pink and vibrant shot up towards the roof, obviously aimed from the end of someone's wand as everyone turned to view the mysterious person they could call hero. But much to everyone's surprise, the man stood at the edge of the room was by far a lot more than they expected: he was rather large and burly, his overly worn and slightly ragged clothes adorned with a hint of moth-eaten holes, and to top that off was a mop of greasy blonde hair receding into his hairline.

The girl squinted as she glanced over to him, sheltering her eyes from the rejuvenated blinding lights with a simple gesture of her hand.

"Bloody hell, it's mad eye moody." Ron grumbled, clearly half interested in whatever was going on at the front of the room. Hermione was quick to question his remark however, and leaned across the table towards him.

"Alastor moody, as in the Auror?

"Auror?" Interrupted Dean, unusually politely.

"Dark wizard catcher, half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him," Ron explained a bit more eagerly than the last time he joined in on the conversation, "He's supposed to be mad as a hatter though, these days."

Arabella watched with interest as he stumbled past the way of the teachers table, greeting Dumbledore like an old friend and taking his seat at the table, a little past the way of Snape. She saw as he took a swig from a leather flask, something she had seen Gertrude secretly slip out one too many times.

"What do you suppose he's drinking?"

"Dunno," She answered, helping herself to a piece of mint flavoured gum offered to her by Sage, "I don't reckon it's pumpkin juice though."

Barty Crouch cleared his throat again, though rather shakily, as he attempted to gather everyone's attention back to the front of the room.

"After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Tri Wizard tournament," He sighed, drawing a breath, "This decision is final."

The utter amount of uproar in the hall was astronomical. Some students even going to the lengths of standing up in their seats to scream their disapproval at Mr Crouch, or even just to let some steam off their chests. Fred and George voiced their opinions extremely loud and clearly, and so causing Arabella to giggle at their rage.

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