𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Arabella abruptly shot up from her duvet, a silent scream escaping from her lips as she clawed at the sheets sticking to her body curtesy of the last of the summer months breezing past in a blaze of sticky heat and sweetly scented suncream.

She pressed a cooling hand to her temple, breathing deeply as a moment of soothing  bliss washed over her body, only to be followed by her mind being swarmed with the terrifyingly sinister remnants of her recurring nightmares. Oh, how she wished she could cry silently in a deathly mixture of frustration and anger, just let everything out somehow.

A sharp ticking sound inched her further out of her duvet, as she glanced at the ancient alarm clock placed beside her bed. It was around half six in the morning, so it was no use at all going back to sleep when she had only a half hour until they would be woken up.

Her nightmares were becoming exhausting for a girl of her age, almost to the point where she physically dreaded the moment her head hit the pillow every night, the slightest mention of sleep repulsing her. Arabella knew she ought to inform dumbledore of these monstrosities, or even quite possibly her parents.

But they already had too much on their hands. Maya and Sirius were soon planning on leaving their supposed tropical paradise, and moving back to the United Kingdom somewhere. Arabella couldn't see why they would bother consider the hefty change of both climate and overall mood, she for certain wouldn't think twice about living abroad in a desert island if the opportunity presented itself.

Sage was overwhelmingly unreliable when it came to things such as this. She was either too busy with Dean to even give it a second thought or so wrapped up in a constant state of torment that you wouldn't dare ask her for advice on anything out of sheer fear of her snapping.

So naturally, Arabella didn't exactly have anyone to turn to about her troubles, aside from those mentioned of course. But since they would be hardly any use to her at all, she had kept her feelings bottled up within her for what had felt like centuries, each new nightmare twisting off into its own branch added to a troublesome tree that was rooted deep within her soul.

But she dragged herself through it, promising herself that she would continue to ignore these feelings for as long as she could possibly contain. And of course, as with anyone who tries to hold feelings desperately within oneself, Arabella's moods grew darker and desolate, fitting with the quickly changing moods that accompanied the start of each season.

The absurd weather patterns clearly didn't accommodate the fact that it was approaching the highly anticipated event of Halloween, and that would be followed by the even more anticipated event of the first of the four challenges each of the Tri-wizard champions would face daringly.

"Fuck." Arabella hissed in pain, her trembling hand shooting up to cover her forehead, which was now a dashing shade of scarlet. She had been trying ever so carefully to creep through the corridor towards the common room, bravely without a light to illuminate the dark ridden path, which had proven to be quite the unsuccessful feat.

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