🚔24•|Sweet Serial Killer|•24🚔

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/A/N: there is gore and blood. Beware. Also, yes this does hold a significance to the story.\

"Unless you want to find your fiance dead and headless I suggest you get him off my case."

Jimin groaned as that thought came to mind. He didn't need the stress of this worry. Pure worry.

Also a little horrified too.

He never expected to see her again to be honest, but ever since he heard that there had been horrific murders going on in their town with the bodies all looking the same. It is a horrific look too.

Usually they are cut up, badly. Or headless. Because she likes to keep the heads as trophies. Kind of, she usually dumps them on random roads or in random places after about a day.

Jimin knows exactly who she is too. How could he not?

He has a past with her in it, even if he didn't want her in it, she was there. And admittedly they've had... some good times together.

He begged his lover to leave the case, her words wouldn't be useless. She would actually do it. She doesn't care about how others feel nor will she ever. And Jimin knows why, but sometimes he just wanted to slap her silly.

"Ggukkie please-"

"I told you no Jimin." He would snap back, quite pissy with the elder because he doesn't want to be told what to do. Nor does he like Jimin begging him to not do his job. This, of course, upset Jimin but he's pregnant, 7 months to be exact, and can't have this stress.

Jimin eventually told Jeongguk he needed some fresh air and stepped outside and went for a walk, their new dog, Kayden.

"I don't know what to do," Jimin sighed, looking down at the dog. All she did was huff and wag her tail, obviously very happy that her owner was walking her.

She's always happy and ready for walks.

"If he doesn't... leave her be and finds out who she is, she'll kill him... and I can't have that. I won't be able to raise these babies alone, I need Jeongguk here." He swallowed thickly, thinking about what would happen if she did kill Jeongguk.

Kayden wagged her tail some more, looking up at him with her big eyes, her mouth open and she looked as if she was smiling. It made Jimin giggle and he patted her head.

"I'm going to have to show him what I mean by she will hurt him... but I'll have to find out a way that doesn't let him know who it is because we both know he'll find her anyways." He knew he was talking to a dog, before you call him crazy.

He then had to brainstorm.



The younger male startled a little and looked over at his pregnant fiance, smiling, "yeah what's up?"

Jimin panted and then sat up, "I need to show you something."

"Is this about the case again? If so, some silly little prop isn't going to scare me." Jimin rolled his eyes and sighed, "it's... not a prop, just.. follow me."

The other decided he would for the fun of it, because why not.

Jimin made them take a 1 hour car trip to an empty home, and he looked at Jeongguk, "we're here."

The younger looked up at the abandoned home, "Jimin why are we here? This place has got to be at least 100 years old."

"It's older but many have been in and out and I have some evidence that should be enough for you to leave the case-" "Jimin-" the other huffed, "shut up and follow me."

The other rolled his eyes but followed the pregnant one and they entered the home and Jimin goes- "look."

Jeongguk sighed and folded his arms, "a bunch of dust and creaky boards?"

"No, smell."

"It smells like a lot of things." Jimin grumbled, "you don't smell it, seriously?"

Jeongguk shook his head, honestly not getting it. Yeah it may smell musty and very dusty, but it's an old house. And the copper like smell may just be rust.


"Jimin, what's that smell."

The other rolled his eyes, folded his arms, then turned to his lover- "you finally get it numb nuts?"

Jeongguk grinned, "they're not really numb considering-" "sh sh sh shush-" Jimin quickly cut him off, holding in a giggle.

"It's blood dummy," Jimin kind of teased but was also serious. Only because it was blood. And he only knows that for... certain reasons.

Jimin grabbed his hand gently and dragged him to the upstairs, he was horrified when Jimin just strutted up the stairs without any issue.

Only because they're only god knows how old.

But then they entered a room and the smell was horrible. Jeongguk has never smelt something that bad. And he's had some of the worst known calls as an officer in korea.

"My god what is that smell-" he gagged and Jimin nodded over to the corner of the room where laid a box. Jeongguk swallowed thickly and blinked, walking over to it, arm over his nose and mouth as he knew if he removed them he would throw ul instantly.

It smelt so putrid and horrible.

He bent down and unlatched the clip and swung it open and did throw up.

In it was different organs, all from different people, Jeongguk could tell by the glimpse of the size differences and color differences. But all he cared about was getting the hell out of there.

So he got up, grabbed Jimin's hand, and ran out of the house and threw up again. Jimin just quirked up his left eyebrow and looked smug- "that's something your person keeps."

Jeongguk gasped for fresh air and finally sat up and shook his head, unable to unsee what he just saw. The image was burned into his mind now.

Thanks, Jimin.

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