🚔9|Come On-|9🚔

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Jimin felt all groggy today. All he wants to do is be lazy. He's now at four months and two weeks. Dr. Erin said there's a very small chance anything will go wrong.

Jimin was dragged to the store because Min hates going there alone. The cashier freaks her out. And with her luck- he's there every day she is.

Jimin is following behind her, eyes on the ground and hand on his belly, as per usual.

"Do you want crackers?" Jimin shrugged but did nod. Min nodded, too and threw them into the cart and let Jimin pick out what he wants.

Jimin's eyes wondered around and spotted a familiar female. He saw it was that officer from the station the day he told Jeongguk. She's the one who said he was a prick.

Jimin hid next to Min because she's tall. His body (except his belly) is hidden if he stands on the side of her.

Min is 5'10 well Jimin is 5'7.

Jimin grabbed a few more things and eventually wondered off a little. Min knew she didn't need to babysit him (because he's a full grown man now) so she didn't mind.

Jimin was looking through a section of sparkling waters and felt a ungodly feeling hit him in the gut. He gasped out and placed a hand on the bump on his belly.

Another one soon hit and Jimin felt the tears start to sting the backs of his eyes as they bagged to be set free. Jimin refused them and felt another pain.

"Okay little one- that's quite enough..." Jimin smiled softly but jumped when someone cleared their throat.

He looked up and saw the officer, "are you... are you alright? you look like you're in pain." Jimin shrugged, "I am but that's a cost of being pregnant." He joked, gaining a soft chuckle from the officer.

"I'm Jeon," she finally said, shaking the youngers hand. Jimin blinked but replied, "I'm Jimin. Park Jimin," Jeon smiled- "I'm actually Jeon Mi-Guk but you know..." she giggled and Jimin did, too.

That named sounded so familiar inside Jimin's head. Sounded like Jeongguk and she looked like Jeongguk... but she can't be related to him... can she?

Jimin snapped his attention behind the elder when a voice echoed through the store, "Jeon! I got the bo-"

The man froze two steps away and went wide mouth. Jeon sighed, looking at Jeongguk- "that's great Guk. Now go put them in the cart."

Jeongguk was ignoring her and staring at Jimin's belly, seeing the bump. His heart leaped into his throat and he quickly turned away, walking away faster then anything.

Jeon rolled her eyes, "he's... not the best at the moment. But hey... that's my brother for you," she joked, but didn't laugh. Jimin widened his eyes in realisation.

They are related.

"We're twins," Jeon clarified, voice tired and stressed but facial expression bubbly and bouncy. Jimin nodded, "oh uh- I thought something like that."

Jeon chuckled and nodded, "I must be off now. Or else our other friend, Taehyung, will wonder off again well looking for fairies. Well, nice meeting you Jimin."

She bowed and so did Jimin. He turned a pink color. Usually no one bows to him.

She waved and left. Jimin was quick to find Min and they went to pay. She shoved Jimin forward and he grumbled but saw what she meant when he saw the cashier.

But he knew him.

"Oh hey Yoongi, I haven't seen you in awhile. How are you holding up?" Yoongi looked up and smiled, "good actually. Nice to see you Jimin... and you..." Yoongi quietly said, looking at Min.

Min nodded and didn't speak, but Jimin did.

"We always text but never talk in person..." Yoongi nodded, "yeah, I know it sucks. But I'm so busy with Peppermint, our daughter. It's not even funny anymore."

Jimin did have to agree there. Children are never easy. He learned this from having three younger siblings.

"Are you still with Hoseok?" Yoongi hummed well still scanning items well he also bagged them. "Well, I don't have a boyfriend or husband. But I am expecting."

Yoongi shot his eyes up- "really? like... an actual baby?" Jimin giggled and nodded, "yeah, and actual baby."

Yoongi grinned, "maybe I should keep tabs with you."

Jimin smirked, "well maybe you should."

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