🚔 19|Red Roses and Golden Garters| 19 🚔

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Jeongguk looked at Jimin and smiled- "you know... you really make me happy. Like, we aren't a mushy gushy couple but I'm being serious..."

The elder looked up and knitted his eyebrows and looked at Jeongguk- "oh what was that? sorry, I spaced out after mushy gushy." Jeongguk looked at him and grinned and they both laughed.

Jimin smiled, "but I love you Gguk. You make me really happy too."

The other grinned and chuckled, "you kill me sometimes." Jimin grinned, "hey, that's my job after all." Jeongguk laughed and gave the other a bunny smile and Jimin returned it with a evil grin.

"I'm wearing garters."

Jeongguk choked on his saliva- "what?" Jimin shrugged, "I'm wearing garters... I have to go to the club later and I felt like dressing up my naked legs." The younger giggled, "naked legs."

The elder smacked his chest- "not what I meant you nasty."

Jeongguk chuckled and shifted, his hip now brushing against the others- "so you're gonna go hang out with them?" he questioned, eyebrows high up as his inner (overprotective; jealous ass) ego shined. Jimin rolled his eyes- "they have names, Gguk."

The taller shrugged, "and? I call those people them because I don't care to know their names. But there's no way I don't know them. I've arrested them all over at least thirteen times."

Jimin raised his right eyebrow, "Blair?"

The other knitted his eyebrows- "what?" Jimin smirked, "Kim Blair? have you arrested her thirteen times?" Jeongguk swallowed as he honesty knew Jimin was right and he was incorrect this time.

"No... do we even have a Blair in Busan?" Jimin hummed, "yep, and I bet more then one. There is only three Blair's here." The other nodded, "yeah I know one of them. She's Jeon's friend."

The smaller huffed, "I know."

"You cold?"

Jimin nodded quickly, not expecting Jeongguk to ask. But the other did so he didn't lie and so Jeongguk dropped him off at the club sooner then he thought and off he was. And well, Jeongguk was off to pester some friends.


"You shouldn't drink..."

The other shrugged, taking a shot as the elder huffed- "you're pregnant." "So what?" Jimin stuck his tongue in his cheek, a habit he caught from the younger, as a reaction. This women is annoying as hell and is playing dangerous cards.

Jimin can't believe this.

He knows he sure as hell wouldn't drink anytime soon because he is pregnant and doesn't want any harm to happen to the two fetuses. But apparently some people don't care because this women is stoned.

"Do you have a ride?"

Jimin asked, watching her closely. She shrugged, "no but I can drive. I'm sober enough-" that was it- "oh no no no hell no---I will drop you off home. You aren't driving drunk-" the female snickered, "what is the worse that can happen?"

The male scoffed- "you're pregnant. Think- you can harm a soul that has no say in it." Jimin declared, honestly sick and tired of this women's stupid antics. He's literally been talking to her for three hours now and Blair has been out and about and left Jimin to fend for his own.

And right now, he is.

"You're coming with me. I'll take you home-" the women cut him off with a weird strangle-like noise but finally agreed and called Jeongguk. He said he'd be there in five minutes tops and well, he wasn't lying.


"So then I was like no I don't want to be with you anymore Drew. And he got all pissy and was like ‘well deal with it blah blah blah’ and I finally smacked him and left." Jeongguk nodded and sighed and Jimin let the side of his forehead hit the window with a little thud.

It's only been twenty minutes but damn does this women jabber.

But Jimin knew she was at least getting home safe. And he wasn't regretting it. But Jeongguk looked like he was ready to snap someone in half but kept his thoughts to himself as the women went on about her ex.

"But then he came back and begged me to take him back so I did and well, I got pregnant with my first." Jimin knitted his eyebrows---she's got more?

"You have more kids?" the women nodded quickly, "oh yes! I have six more!" Jimin and Jeongguk exchanged weird glances but Jeongguk shrugged and turned the blinker on and went left.

The women then went on about them and Jimin grumbled inaudibly and hoped to whatever gods were listening that her house was close. If it wasn't---he just may not make it.

But he knows it'll end eventually.

Of course Jimin talks 30239283720miles a second but he usually keeps on track of one thing this women is all over the place and slurring her words and mentioning kind of nasty things but Jimin knew she was drunk and probably bored too.

"So, how is your life doing?"

Jimin glared at Jeongguk, how could he-

"Oh great! I finished my court date and now everything was cleared and I'm free of all charges. I didn't do it and the judge knew that." Jeongguk nodded, turning into a development and Jimin knew they were close to her house.

Jeongguk cleared his throat- "that's great. I always knew you weren't. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." She nodded quickly, "I know right! I have a thing for that but I'm all good now!"

The car stopped and she hopped out, thanking them and running inside. Jimin looked at Jeongguk- "you knew her?"

He hummed and drove on and out- "my partner last year arrested her and well, it wasn't pretty but she didn't do anything. Just wrong place wrong time. It happens. But she's a super sweet women when you get to know her."

Jimin blinked and thought- "well damn---I guess you do know everyone here."

Jeongguk grinned- "everyone but Blair."

The other giggled, "yeah, everyone but Blair."

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