🚔22|Dangerous Games|22🚔

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"Jeongguk, you're playing very dangerous games, you know that. They're not people to eff around with-" "Jiminie, I know. But it is for my job and if I don't find who killed the FBI agent I will lose my job. And then my future is ruined." Jimin groaned heavily- "wasn't the agent in a car crash?"

The other hummed, "yes, but there is plenty of evidence that a gang... possible mafia, caused it." Jimin pressed his tongue into his cheek and sighed, getting up from the chair and looking at the other, "I wouldn't play with fire like this, Jeongguk. You're nowhere near connected to any gang nor mafia. You may know some members but they won't be able to protect you. Once you find out about the other gangs or mafias you're free bait for any of them to grab onto." He warned, quite serious.

But Jeongguk only shrugged, "I know Jimin. But I'll be fine. I've dealt with gangs before-" "even worse. They find out about that you'll physically be slaughtered. Nothing more then a piece of meat."

"Yeah.. I guess you're right..."

"Of course I am. Remember who I used to hang out with." The elder reminded him, grinning. Jeongguk looked away and nodded, "but it's my job. And it won't be like I'm an idiot. I can handle this baby, don't worry."

Jimin could only give him mere nod as he knew the other was an idiot when it comes to the mafia. And he knows it was a mafia corner who did this. Maybe not the highest of the mafia members but that doesn't define their strengths.

They'll kill Jeongguk.

But the other was persistent and Jimin couldn't fight that nor beat it. So, he just guesses Jeongguk's gonna have to learn the hard way. So, he walks off.

He is craving cherries so they stocked up on them.

Jimin got into the kitchen and heard the younger shuffle around the living room. He sighed heavily but smiled and grabbed some cherries before calling out- "Ggukkie, do you want some cherries?"

There was a quiet reply- "no, thank you though baby."

Jimin nodded and put the cherry bag back in the fridge and shut it. He took his now full bowl of cherries and walked into the living room and turned on the TV.

And of course it was the news.

And of course it was the case Jeongguk's working on but a new body was found.

The news caster looked... shaken up, almost like she witnessed a murder. And she possibly had or Jimin assumed she saw the body. Which was more likely then her having witnessed it.

“A new body has been found down by Busan's bay. The body was found on the side bank of the bay, floating just slightly.” Jeongguk got a visible face of disgust and Jimin turned up the volume. Now he is interested.

The body of fourty five year old Mr. Marton Lou was found. It has been told by an anonymous writer that he had ties with the mafia but it was not named. But this is the second body to have been found with a symbol imported on it. The mafia is thought to be Black Stone but nothing can be confirmed yet.” Jimin frowned and looked away, he knows those people and well.

He has to try and stop Jeongguk.

"Ggukkie... I think we need to really talk..."

Jeongguk looked at him, eyebrow quirked up, "yeah?" Jimin swallowed, "you need to ask to change cases. I know the Black Stone mafia and well... I know the leader and some members... they don't care who you are or if you have done anything. And you have done something. You're searching for them. And that will get you brutally killed."

"Jimin, we talked about this-"

"I don't care. You are a father to two unborn babies and when they are born you need to be here. I refuse to let you be killed before they're born and they grow up without a father. That should knock some sense into your dumbass. They are not to be screwed around with and if you were responsible you wouldn't be on this case." Jimin huffed out, quite angry now.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes- "I'm fine. I will not get killed-"

Jimin cut him off, shaking his head, "I hate for it to come to this... but meet me downtown tonight at 12:15am... I have something to show you."

And with that, Jimin got up and went to cool off by taking a shower.

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