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"You're what!?" Jeongguk asked out of pure shock and surprise. He jumped up and leaped away from Jimin.

Jimin stood up, too, holding out his hands in a calming motion. He motioned for the younger to calm down but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Are you sure you're pregnant? you are a male Jimin-" Jimin nodded and sighed, slumping and looking down." I am a male... I know... but I have a womb and this baby is growing there."

"Are you sure it is a baby?" Jimin nodded, "I know it is. Jeongguk... I-" a now flustered Jeongguk cut him off- "get rid of it!"

Jimin gasped in pure shock and anger washed through him, "no. I heard this baby's heartbeat, Jeongguk. I'm not going to kill a innocent being who, may I remind you, had no choice in being created."

Jeongguk shrugged, "not my fault. I don't want it!" Jimin nodded and looked back at the pink haired male- "you don't have to want it. I never said I needed you in its life, okay? I just wanted you to know."

Jeongguk threw something at Jimin, who caught it just in time. Jimin scoffed when he saw it was the box of donuts. Fine then. Jeongguk wants to play that game.

Jimin made a unpleased sound and whipped around, "be an ahole. I'll make sure you don't have to keep it or even see it." Jimin declared, stomping out soon after, leaving a mortified Jeongguk.

Jimin walked down the hall and saw the same office lady, who wasn't actually a office lady. She was an officer.

He sighed and walked up to her. She stopped talking to the girl she just previously was talking to and looked at Jimin, smiling.

"Do... do you want these?" He had to keep his voice from cracking. The girl took the box and thanked him, "thank you... aren't you that boy who brought them into Jeongguk?"

Jimin slumped and hummed, "yeah. But he doesn't want them." The girl scoffed, "he's a prick." She finally said, surprising Jimin.

He looked at her badge #OfficerJeon

Jimin blinked- OfficerJeon. Sounds like Jeongguk's name. Jimin shrugged that off and saw she was still smiling.

"Well, thank you," Jimin said, voice quiet as he felt small. The girl hummed and bided a farewell. Jimin nodded and waved bye.

He is so lost now.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now