🚔32|No Name|32🚔

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"Hey Mia," Jeongguk said a little loudly and the female jumped a little, startled but then she looked at him and saw the baby-

"Aw gimme gimme."

Jeongguk handed her over and Mia took Aera and smiled at her, "hi baby!" Aera looked at her and giggled and Mia softly kissed her forehead.

Aera squeaked and Jeongguk chuckled then looked up at Mia-

"I'm going to Daegu."

Mia stopped and looked up, "what?" Jeongguk sighed and leaned back against the desk- "yeah.... I tracked her down... I'm going to Daegu to find her-"

"-you're so fucking stupid."


"I told you numerous times, she will kill you. Have you not been listening to anyone?!" Mia was beyond mad now because she knows how this is going to end. Plus another reason that made her furious.


"No, shut the hell up. You have two beautiful children, a gorgeous fiance, a perfect home, an amazing job yet you feel the need to go after someone who you're not going to catch anyways and destroy it all!?"

Jeongguk swallowed thickly, "Mia... calm down-" "NO I WILL NOT YOU'RE DESTROYING EVERYTHING." She shouted but not loud enough to scare the baby.


"Jeongguk think about your family. Look at Aera, look at her." Jeongguk did as told just to appease the other and Mia then continued, "if you chase Rosetta any longer guess what?"


"Aera and her brother are going to grow up without a father and you have nobody but yourself to blame." She snapped, fully pissed off.

Jeongguk swallowed thickly... she isn't wrong but Jeongguk's ego is far too high.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now