🚔30|Something Feels Off|🚔

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As Jeongguk was driving home, some thoughts came to mind. And the more he thoughts about, the weirder they became and the more everything connected.

And he knew exactly who to ask.

Jeongguk got home and found his lover on the couch, their daughter in his arms and he looked up- "hey baby," Jimin smiled softly as he said this and then looked back down at Aera.

"She wouldn't go back to sleep..."

The other male looked down at the two and frowned, considering not asking the questions but then he knew he had to before it lead to something bad.


"Yes love?" Jimin looked up, his fuzzy pink hair falling in his face a little and Jeongguk admired him for a few seconds before sitting down and sighing.

"Are you willing to answer a few questions for me?"

Jimin pursed his lips and hummed, "of course... what's up?"

Jeongguk got comfortable and then started, "so... you've known Mia for a long time, right?" Jimin nodded, "yeah, at least thirteen years- why?"

The younger then started his actual questioning, "you'll see why---how long was she with her?"

Jimin stopped and cocked up his left eyebrow- "huh?" Jeongguk sighed and swallowed, "I mean... her... as in.. y'know."

Jimin made an 'O' with his mouth and thought for a second- "hm... I'd say a few years---maybe five or six years?"

Jeongguk mentally noted that done then continued, "alright... what's her actual name?"

Jimin shrugged, "you mean your case?" Jeongguk hummed and Jimin shrugged again and thought, he obviously knew it but still.

But he decided he would just tell Jeongguk- "her real name is Rosetta." His fiance, again, mentally noted it down- "how old is she?"

Jimin thought---good question---it took him a few seconds.

"I believe she's twenty four."

"Oh," Jeongguk looked down and thought, she's younger then he thought, "Jimin you have to promise not to be mad at me for this next question."

The other hummed- "of course, what is it?"

The other male swallowed thickly and looked down, thinking of how to ask this, "h-has Mia ever uhm... uhm-"

"Killed someone?"

Jimin cut him off, both eyebrows up now.

Jeongguk nodded quickly and Jimin looked down at the baby he was breastfeeding and then looked back up- "yes, she has."

The other knitted his eyebrows, honestly shocked.

To him, Mia doesn't seem like the type to have murdered someone...

"Let me tell you something... she's almost just as dangerous as Rosetta. But she stopped... she has switched her life around a lot. She's no longer the cold blooded killer Rosetta turned her into." Jimin stated, leaning back more with Aera still connected to him.

Jeongguk looked down, not knowing how to feel.

Jimin knew Jeongguk felt weird. It's exactly how Jimin felt when Mia told him she had murdered someone.

"Jeongguk," Jimin started, his emotions changing, "don't ever ask Mia about who she killed and why. Ask me... I don't want her to relapse."

The other nodded, understanding that.

"Jimin... who did she kill?"

His fiance pursed his lips and thought but knew it was no use not telling him, "more than one person... she killed about four people when she was with Rosetta. But she's not like that anymore... Rosetta brought out the bad in her."

"Was she ever punished for any of it?"

Jimin shifted a little again, shifting his gaze away from Jeongguk and looked into the window in front of him.

Side note; their living is a basic second floor living room and across the room there's a window.

"She uhm... yeah I'd say so."

Jeongguk knew that tone Jimin gained and questioned it and he knew Jimin must be annoyed but needed these answers.

"Jeongguk," Jimin started, sucking in a breath, "Rosetta tried to kill her, alright? Rosetta told her if she didn't kill the people she was requested to she would hurt her and kill her."

Jimin released that breath but then went on, "Rosetta scarred her. She had been punished enough for her crimes. Rosetta tried to kill her and she finally escaped her."

The other mentally noted that but before he really could Jimin spoke again, "Rosetta isn't a good person and Mia wasn't but she is now. And everyone she killed weren't good people either. She wasn't really bad reason, she was influenced by a horrible person."

Jeongguk nodded and looked down, clasping his hands together as Jimin went on about what had happened to Mia and he realized a lot about her.

But most importantly he can't trust her.

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