🚔37|Afraid Of Messages|🚔37

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(A/N: hey y'all, I found this thing where I can make realistic characters on. Do you want me to do that for my oc's in my books?)

Mia sighed as she stared at the messages on her phone, feeling bad about how much she has had to lie to her best friend these past few days about whether or not they're really fine and all good. Mia knows very well that Jeongguk is terrified out of his mind, even if he thinks he's good at hiding it, he's not.

"Are you personally okay, Mia?" The woman smiled and said yeah, appreciating how her best friend cared so much for her. Although Mia knows some of it is natural instinct now, which he didn't have until he had children. But that's alright because besides that, nothing else changed. He's still the same old Jimin.

After a few short messages were sent back and forth, Mia claimed she had to go and turned her phone off after she heard the elder approach. Jeongguk nodded towards her and she nodded back, patiently awaiting for what he had to say---he had the face that told her he found something important out, so of course she was curious now.

"Hey, so... can I ask a quick question?" Mia hummed, still waiting even though her patience is becoming a thin line. "So..." he started, scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly, "how would you feel if... I went out tonight and tried to keep tabs on her again." Of course she knew what he was going to say. Mia has become well accommodated with the stupidity the elder held.

"Go for it."

Jeongguk seemed a bit surprised, not quite sure what to take of the fact she wasn't trying to fight with him about it.

"...Mia?" The younger didn't reply and instead folded her arms, shrugging. But before the man spoke she did though, cutting him off instantly, "listen, Gguk... I don't think it's a good idea, alright? She knows we're here and she'll be hunting us down every second of every hour. If you really feel the need to risk that then it's all on you. But just keep in mind, the entire time you're doing that keep the thought in the back of your mind that it's your family and your life you're putting in danger." In all honesty Jeongguk had no idea how to respond, knowing she was completely right too.

"Alright..." his voice trailed off, getting extremely quiet. Mia nodded and went back to packing---"now I don't know about you, but I'm getting the hell out of here." The other trailed behind her, grabbing his bag and following. Neither planned to stay another night in the hotel, knowing they're way too smart to play with that dangerous game.

If Rosetta already 'threatend' them then nobody knows what's next. She is full of mysterious and with her you'll never tell. One moment she would be throwing threats out like no other over text but then show up at your door with two or three of her guards. She's quite the unpredictable person.

"Where do you want to go?" Jeongguk questioned, getting into the car fully after throwing their bags in the back. Mia sighed and frowned, playing with her fingers while responding, quite unsure of what to do honestly. There is no telling what they can do that won't risk their lives or anybody else's.

Finally Mia grabbed her phone, texting Jimin really quickly and hoping for a quick reply but didn't receive one and grumbled under her breath before shoving her phone back in her pocket and speaking up, "I say we get food and then find a new place to crash. I have an idea."

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