🚔5|Another Day|5🚔

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Jimin knew he should probably tell Jeongguk.

Its been three weeks and every time he sees that one officer he feels sick to his stomach. It's definitely not morning sickness because he always has that before he sees the younger. And it also isn't one of those moments you have when pregnant.

Jeongguk is completely clueless. The younger has no clue that part of his life is growing inside of Jimin's belly.

Jimin has tried. Trust me. He's tried to tell Jeongguk numerous times. It's either the younger doesn't shut up or Jimin wimps out because he's fearful that Jeongguk will completely leave him.

Jimin is currently leaning back against his cars hood, looking up at the sky. Jeongguk is nowhere to be seen. Thank god.

Jimin relaxes, enjoying the breeze that hits just right and the sun that shines brightly but not too brightly. Just like how Jimin likes.

Jimin is still accepting the fact that he is indeed really pregnant and is carrying a life species. He's not too worried of what he'll do after it is born right now because he's still got seven months.

Jimin found out he was actually two months last week when he went to check in with the doctor. To be honest, even though Jimin is terrified, he hopes this little one stays with him throughout these remaining months.

Jimin found out his baby is smaller then usual for a month and three weeks, but he also found out that it'll probably grow.

Jimin sighed when he heard the sand crunch and the wheels of a car stop. He looked up and saw Jeongguk and let off a welcoming smile. He actually feels like being a Austridge and burying his head in the ground.

Jeongguk flashed him a warm smile and walked over to him, trying to look intimidating but failing immensely.

Jimin didn't do anything else and let Jeongguk speak first. "So... it's been a lovely day, hasn't it?" Jeongguk coiled in on himself. That was the lamest thing he's ever said.

Jimin giggled, "you're not my news caster, stop it. But yes, yes it has," Jimin flashed the younger a grin and saw he wasn't so tense anymore and the redness in his cheeks died down.

"Well, I actually wanted to ask how you were doing..." Jimin shrugged and decided to just tell him. How bad can it be?

"Well, actually Jeongguk-" Jimin swallowed hard and pinched his eyes shut. He can't do this- "I've been perfect. Thank you..."

He'll tell Jeongguk... but just another day...

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now