🚔 17|Bam Bam|17 🚔

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Jeongguk groaned when he couldn't find the note. He knew it was here, he always comes here after work.

So where the hell is the note?

The male froze and looked up---oh god no---he his it inside the bar, didn't he?

Jeongguk groaned and took his belt off, the thing containing all his tools (baton, gun, handcuff, tazer, etc) and he took off his uniform shirt and threw on a black shirt, completely changing his appearance from a cop to a normal person here.

He trudged inside and looked up and down, around and back, but he saw nothing.

And then someone cleared their throat and he snapped his attention up, eyes locking with a girl he is very familiar with- "hey Anastasia..."

The girl rolled her eyes, "for one, it's Asia, but hey Gguk... what are you here for?" the elder shrugged, "Jimin." Asia made an 'O' with her mouth. But then she grinned, "you mean this?"

She held out an envelope and Jeongguk grabbed it quickly, the envelope almost tearing. Asia rolled her eyes, "I wasn't going to kidnap it or anything you idiot. It's that note thing for you. Jimin gave it to me earlier and said I know who you are."

Jeongguk knitted his eyebrows- "I thought Jimin hated you?"

Asia shrugged, "so did I but apparently not enough to not trust me with this."

The male rolled his eyes; he knows Asia and well.

She used to run around with Jimin and they would do crime together but they went their separate ways when Jimin met Jeongguk and then not long after Jeongguk chased down Asia and he's arrested her more than six times.

One was for underage drinking (before he met Jimin she was like- about eighteen) and others were gang stuff but he won't mention what. But they for sure do not like each other.

"Jimin also said-" "shut up and let me read this."

Asia chuckled and nodded, sitting back as the elder read it-

"Dear Jeongguk,
I'm so glad you found it!
And I know, you're not impressed with who I picked to hold onto it but she can be trusted... at times haha.
But really,
Your next clue is in the library down town, the big one. You know where I'm talking about.
Hint on where the envelope is;
Look where you secondly arrested Asia.
Any who,
I love you gotta run.
I'm craving Cherrié's.

Jeongguk chuckled and grinned, knowing Jimin a little too well. But Asia gave him a look that could kill so he thanked her---grudgingly and walked off.

Asia waved cockily and he rolled his eyes.

He'll just strangle her another day.

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