🚔2|What A 'Beautiful' Day|2🚔

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Jimin was sat back against his car, listening to nothing. It was completely silent. He wanted to be alone for awhile.

Jimin felt the sunshine hit his face and smiled warmly. He loves it out here. Just this old abandoned road, no cars, no people, one officer car-


Jimin groaned and sat up, eyes locking with the familiar officers. He flashed a bunny smile that had a lustful meaning and walked up to Jimin, "what are you doing out and about?"

Jimin shrugged, "passionately hugging more police officers," Jeongguk coiled and gagged sarcastically- "ew, really?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, folding his arms- "of course not you idiot. I'm enjoying the sun-" "of your view?" Jimin kicked him in the shin and Jeongguk laughed. To be honest Jimin wants to be arrested by him now just so when they hit the station he will no longer see the younger.

Jeongguk leaned against the car next to him, "so... not doing anymore sessions I see?" Jimin shrugged and looked back out into nothing. Just dirt and cactus.

"Guess not. But I never did sessions. We were a one-time thing Jeongguk. I did it so I didn't go to jail." Jeongguk hummed, lips pursed.

"I know, I enjoyed it."

Jimin gagged, "didn't need to know that."

Jeongguk opened his mouth to tease Jimin but saw the younger didn't look so good. He put a hand on Jimin's shoulder and was surprised when he didn't flinch. Suddenly Jimin's face went pale and he leaned away, throwing his insides up all over the ground.

From what Jeongguk saw- Jimin drinks a lot of coffee and soda and eats a lot of those popper candies.

Jeongguk placed a hand on Jimin's back and patted softly, "hey... you alright?" Jimin nodded and sat back, using the back of his sleeve to wipe his mouth. Jeongguk found that awfully disgusting but didn't say anything.

"I'm going home..." Jimin finally said, not meeting Jeongguk's eyes. The younger understood and nodded, replacing his hands to the belt buckle holding all his tools.

Y'know... guns, tazer, baton, etc.

"Okay, good idea..." Jeongguk agreed, seeing how Jimin went so pale. He gave Jimin's shoulder a pat and started walking backwards as Jimin entered his vehicle.

"Take it easy, Jimin." Jimin hummed and said a quiet thank you and drove off.

He's determined to find out what the hell is wrong with him.

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