🚔33|It's 3 in the morning|🚔33

547 36 2

I decided to put a warning on here because it does get a little intense. Plus, theres mention of harming another person & death threats.
Mia sighed as she stepped over the broken plastic and broken down, rusted metal.

She stepped on one and gritted her teeth and knew it was coming-

"Who are you?"

Mia breathed in softly and looked up at her, "it's me." There was silence for a second before the other spoke, "ah... I wonder where you ran off to."

The younger bit her bottom lip and then let off a sigh and spoke softly, "I didn't run off. You chased me off."

"Hm, perhaps I did."

"Perhaps- I- nevermind. Anyways, I'm here because we need to talk." Mia cut straight to the point and Rosetta stopped and turned, "about?"

Mia swallowed thickly and breathed in, "remember Jimin?"

Rosetta hummed and looked at her, "didn't he become a mother?" Mia nodded, "yeah... to two babies." Rosetta pursed her lips then thought up a reply- "how cute."

The other agreed, "yeah... they're adorable---but that's not why I'm here-" "-I assumed. I never took as the type to want a child."

Mia rolled her eyes and then went back to talking, "Jeongguk... Jimin's fiance, he uhm, he's trying to find you and has you tracked down."

Rosetta froze for a second then snapped her full attention to the younger and her eyebrows knitted- "he must be smart, hm?"

"No he's quite stupid."

Rosetta chuckled raspy like, "now that's not nice to say about your friend." Mia shrugged and then cut to her point- "please don't hurt him."

"And why would I do such a thing?"

The other rolled her eyes and folded her arms, both a little irritated but also cold, "because I know you. As soon as he finds you... you'll kill him." Rosetta smiled and cocked up her left eyebrow, "you remembered haha."

Mia thought for a second... how could she forget? Rosetta killed so many people in front of her in so many gruesome ways.

"I... yeah, I did... haha..." it was such a forced laugh she felt a little embarrassed about it but didn't go back to it and instead looked up at the elder, "please don't though, he can't be killed."

Rosetta's chest rose up then down as she breathed a little heavily and Mia knew this meant she was annoyed and it was step one of her body language for it.

Rosetta stepped down the stairs and got close to Mia and Mia begun backing up and Rosetta leaned towards her, "if he so much as comes near this place I'll kill him."

The other swallowed- dammit.

"Rosetta, listen, please, listen to me just this once-" "-this once?" Rosetta's tone changed and her eyes darkened a little and when her and Mia locked eyes she kind of drowned in them.

"I've listened to you too many times and you almost got us killed almost every damn time." Mia bit her tongue while Rosetta went on and grabbed Mia's hoodie with her hands and got extremely close.

It made the younger very uncomfortable.

"Rosetta, I've apologised that for so many times, and everytime I did you kicked me out-" Rosetta let off a dark laugh and Mia looked at her again and breathed heavily and Rosetta didn't stop laughing.

She only stopped to speak quickly, "I kicked you out because you caused one of my own to die. You were useless to me after that and I lost any feeling I ever had for you then."

Mia felt a guilty emotion swell up in her gut as she started stepping back again and Rosetta stepped forward, matching her beat.

"Rosetta we both know it wasn't like that-" she was cut off by Rosetta shoving her backwards and onto her ass. "Of course it wasn't. You do no wrong, huh?"

Mia frowned and looked down. To be honest, she feels awful about what had happened. But it wasn't her fault. It was Rosetta's but Rosetta refuses to acknowledge that and accept it.

"Rosetta... I'm not here to make this about our past. I'm here to talk to you and ask you, even beg you... not to hurt Jeongguk."

The other scoffed and seemed pissed- "you don't get favors from me. You lost that priviledge a long time ago."

Mia looked up at her and saw a few tears welling up in her eyes and Mia knew she was hurt, too. But Mia can't do anything about it.


"Rosetta, he has a family. He has kids, a fiance, he has a good life and I don't want you to take that away because I know you'll go after Jimin and his kids too and I can't let you do that." Mia said this while getting up and she got a little more strength to her.

Rosetta's tears dried up hella quick and she laughed darkly and raspy like again and looked the slightly smaller, "oh yeah? And what are you gonna do?"

The others heart rate went up and her heart almost beated out of her chest, "I don't know exactly Rosetta but if you hurt any one of them you're going to regret it."

Without warning she felt her arms get gripped and she was being escorted out and Rosetta threatened her- "you don't get to tell me what to do. I'll do whatever I feel like doing and if he steps anywhere in my way I'll end both him and his entire family."

Mia let off a human growl and started fighting against the people holding her and she started yelling at Rosetta but all Rosetta accounted was-

"If you fucking touch them I'll kill you Rosetta!"

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