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"Would you stop following me?"

Mia rolled her eyes and groaned, tired of Jeongguk asking her to stop following him. He doesn't know the consequences that happen to her if he gets hurt.

"No because your fiance will kill me and turn me into soup if something happens to you---even if you're being the dumbass here."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes this time and looked around the corner then turned to her- "alright fair point."

The other quickly nodded- "very fair."

Jeongguk sighed and looked around the corner of the alleyway again and then turned back to her and saw she had her arms folded and looked very displeased.

"You're asking to get us both killed."

The male bit his bottom lip before breathing in heavily and thinking and Mia looked even more disgusted with him.

Jeongguk thought for a few seconds before nodding and going to go into the alleyway before Mia grabbed him and yanked him back harshly, almost causing him to fall on his ass.

He quickly spat words at her because she pissed him off but then she just looked at him and quietly spoke- "she's not here."

He stopped- "what?"

Mia hummed, tapping her foot, "those are just people she uses. She uses them so when things go bad she gets out alive." Jeongguk swallowed thickly but let her continue- "you'd be a fool to harm them."

The male trusted her on this. He knew she wasn't saying this to just get him off the case but he knew she was being sincere when she spoke.

"She wouldn't be that easy to find."

Jeongguk nodded and they left quickly, not wanting to stick around and get ambushed.

"Do you know where she is?" Mia looked more displeased but nevertheless nodded and spoke again, "yeah she wouldn't be here right now. Usually around this time she leaves Busan and goes to Daegu."

Jeongguk knitted his eyebrows but before he asked she went on and answered his question- "she hides out there. Either there or Seoul where it's packed with people so nobody can find her and she can blend in."

The male looked away and they walked down the street and turned the corner and Mia huffed- "it's a bit cold."

"Yeah," he didn't know how to respond to that as he was very warm. But before he had to think of another way to hold the conversation she went on.

"You're a dumbass."

He looked up- "huh?"

She rolled her eyes and stepped over a crack in the sidewalk and sighed, a sad look washing over her, "you're so stupid. You literally have the worlds best fiance back at home with the two most cutest children I've ever seen and you're out here hunting down someone who's gonna end up killing you and leaving you to bleed out on the sidewalk."

Jeongguk looked away, knowing she was right.

"I know-"

"Then why do it?"

He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets, the coldness of the night finally getting to him- "I don't know."

Mia sucked in a chilly breath and bit her bottom lip and turned towards him-

"When you go home tonight think about it. Is it really worth getting murdered over? This case? I mean, you're bound to find her but as soon as you do your entire research books and family and life goes down the drain because she's going to kill you."


"Jeongguk I'm being serious. I know her and well. Just think about it tonight."

He nodded but with that, she turned and walked off towards her neighborhood, leaving him alone but close to his vehicle.

She was right.

And he knew that.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now