🚔39|Blood, Sweat and Tears|39🚔

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(A/N: I'm not sure if I ever gave Gguk and Jiminie's son a name and I've been looking for it for about an hour lol, so I gave him a different/new one in this chapter. Please correct me if I did and just can't find it lol, thank you!)

3 years later

Jeongguk sighed as he brought his daughter over to her mother and handed her off. He doesn't really know what to make of today. Due to the date, it's one of those days that he wishes to forget.

"You alright Gguk?" Jeongguk nodded, chewing on the inside of his cheek, thinking to himself. He knows he probably shouldn't be keeping this to himself, but he is. He can't share it with his lovely husband. Not because he doesn't want too, no, but because he doesn't think he can. Jimin won't understand that level of everything, but Jeongguk knows he would sure try too.

He felt the other softly rub his back but he had to quickly attend to Hyun-Woo, noticing how the young boy got fussy and demanded his eomma picked him up. Jimin gave a dramatic sigh and eye roll but grinned and picked up his son, holding him close as he then decided they should go get ice cream and he told Jeongguk he'd be back and the younger man nodded and said okay.

While Jimin left Jeongguk startled a bit when someone walked next to him and he looked over and saw the cheerful smile of the other, "hey Gguk, sorry I startled you---even if you totally deserved it." She poked at him, giggling quietly then stepping next to him completely.

"Hey Mia," he responded, seeing how she seemed excited to see them. Jeongguk was happy to see her too. He is everyday. And he isn't weird about it. The man is greatful every single day that she's still here and alive---and that she can also be in his childrens lives. Mia is their amazing aunt who quite literally saved their parents lives---he has a lot to thank her for.

Jeongguk found a bench and sat down on it, welcoming and gesturing for Mia to as well. She did and smiled, folding her arms and watching some birds pick at someones abandoned pizza crust. She seemed to lose focus for a few seconds as she zoned out and Jeongguk chuckled, poking at her and she looked at him, snapping her full attention his way and apologising. He said it was perfectly fine, knowing she felt like he did about today.

There was a moment of silence before she broke it, "you know... today marks the day Rosetta was finally forced to stop her crimes..." The elder hummed, pursing his lips as she then smirked and giggled- "by yours truly, too."

Jeongguk chuckled and looked up, eyes catching sight of the beautiful woman whom was looking down at the flowers, admiring them, but then the gorgeous woman stopped and sat up, placing her hand down on the baby bump she had, seemingly cooing over it. The man took a second to speak, thinking of how to, "now look... you have a beautiful girlfriend and a baby on the way... plus, you saved Jiminie and me... I can never repay you for that."

Mia smirked and shrugged, also gazing at the woman---her gorgeous girlfriend.

"Yeah you're right... there's no need to thank me though. You're like my family. Of course things have been really rough recently too, but today marks the exact day Rosetta died and I almost did... but you know what? I'm glad she's dead. She ruined my life, even if I wasn't with her or anywhere near her. My mind can finally settle at ease now, nothing to worry about, you know Gguk?" Jeongguk hummed, awaiting for her to finish. He was well aware she wasn't and just as suspected, she went on, "I have my gorgeous girlfriend now... and like you said, a baby on the way. I'd never have that if Rosetta was still here. I'd be living in fear of Rosetta harming her. But I don't have to do that now.." she felt the elder softly comfort her by rubbing her back while she talked. She appreciated it, she really did.

But before she said anything else, she waved to Jimin who trudged over, children right behind him. Before Mia said anything, Aera threw her arms up and jumped into her lap---"auntie Mia!"

"Oh hey there baby girl," Mia left a soft kiss to her cheek and didn't even care Aera smashed ice cream on her hoodie. Aera started blabbering about something to her aunt and Mia just listened and chuckled, patiently waiting for the younger one to let her get a word in. But before she did, the woman approached them shyly and spoke quietly, "hi..." Jimin turned around and welcomed her in quickly, pulling her into the group of them and she seemed skittish but greatful.

Of course Mia has been with her for awhile now---she met this woman before the pretty lady knew she was pregnant. She was a single woman expecting a baby and Mia fell head over heels in love with her and they've been together since. Even though they've been together for awhile now, she hasn't introduced her to either of the males yet specifically because she wanted to make sure their relationship would last awhile---and so far it has.

"Hey Aurora," Mia chimed, nodding towards the children to get a point across. Aurora's eyes widened and she introduced herself to the rowdy children who quickly accepted her in and asked her if she was the pretty lady their auntie brought to the park. Aurora blushed immensely but nodded and smiled, then got dragged off by the children towards the playground area where they said they had to show her some tricks, and of course she followed without a second thought after telling their parents they were absolute darlings and the two thanked her.

Mia giggled and sat up, taking off her hoodie and setting it down and then getting up but wincing a tad bit. Jeongguk went to ask but the younger shook her head and said she was fine and looked at the two, "we should go follow them, I bet they're showing Aurora amazing tricks. Plus, I just miss them."

The two elders laughed and said okay, but Jeongguk trailed behind with Mia, beginning to talk to her again, "Mia... thank you so much... because of you I get to be with my children every passing day and they have both of their parents, too... thank you so much."

All he gained was a cheeky smile and a reply:
"no problem Ggukkie... I'd do it all over again if I had too."

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