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Jimin was currently lying on the table, not liking this at all.

The doctor wanted a ultrasound because he felt something unusual when he pushed Jimin's stomach in as a message test.

Jimin was worried he was dying or something. But Min held his hand, telling him he'd be fine and that it's probably something he doesn't need to worry about.

"Well well," Dr. Erin said uncounciously, spooking Jimin. Jimin shot a glace at him, worried- "w-what is it?"

Dr. Erin grinned ear to ear, "no need to sound so worried," the elder proclaimed, still grinning like a mad man. Jimin blinked. Is this doctor going to tell him or?

"So, Jimin... have you been active?" Jimin nodded- "y-yeah... well... Haven't been for two weeks and four days now though." Dr. Erin hummed, moving the scanner around.

"Well, Jimin, take a look at this screen." He said, moving the computer so Jimin could see the screen. He saw absolutely nothing of interest.


Dr. Erin smiled softly, no longer grinning like a mad man. He pointed with his pinkie at a ball spot on the screen. Jimin shrugged, "and?"

Dr. Erin chuckled, "that's a two week old baby, Jimin." Jimin froze and looked at the doctor like he was insane. Min didn't do anything because she knew this day would come eventually.

"What? no. I can't be pregnant. I'm a male. Males can't get pregnant." Dr. Erin gave him a face of you wouldn't be surprised' and nodded towards the screen, "that is a breathing baby."

Jimin's heart was swelling and his throat became enclosed. This can't be happening. Not now.

"Prove it." Jimin finally said, voice snappy and irritated. Dr. Erin was very patient and agreed, grabbing his stethoscope, handing the ear end to Jimin, who gladly put them in to prove this doctor wrong.

The doctor placed the other end (the listening end) onto Jimin's belly, near his down region. Within seconds, Jimin heard a few soft thumps and he about cried. But he was determined to tell this doctor off.

"This is my heartbeat." That made logic sense to Jimin. This is his heartbeat and it is so quiet because the end is far away from his heart. Dr. Erin chuckled, shaking his head.

He took the ear parts and listened, shaking his head again, "nope. I can't hear your heart from this far down. And how slow this heart is going is also a sign it is a baby. It is a perfectly early baby."

Jimin bit his bottom lip- "b-but..." Jimin pinched his eyes closed and looked over at Min, opening them. He gave her a look and she squeezed his hand.

"Well... what do you think Jimin?" Dr. Erin asked, putting the stethoscope away, back around his neck. Jimin sucked in his breath- "I... I can't be a parent..."

Dr. Erin frowned but understood and sat on his chair, rolling over, closer to Jimin as he began to speak- "there's always abortion? if you wanted to do that I'll just give you a pill here? it costs nothing."

Jimin blinked, shock settling in his facial expression- "oh no no, I never said I wanted to kill the baby..."

Dr. Erin made a ah sound and rolled back, grabbing a pamphlet off the counter and rolled back, handing it to Jimin. Jimin took it and read over it, "adoption?"

Dr. Erin nodded, "that's the best way out." Jimin breathed in heavily, chest heaving up. He gave a final nod, "okay... thank you..."

Dr. Erin grinned- "anytime."

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