Chapter One - Rainy Days And Sunny Smiles

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As I leave the university building I sigh unhappily. This city, the city I've been dreaming of all my life, is so damn depressing. It's raining like 99% of the time and that makes my mood worse than it was already. I've been dreaming of living here all my life and now that I live here everything is so... So different from what I've imagined. I didn't know anyone when I moved here a few weeks ago and that didn't change. Due to the pandemic all the things where you can meet new people aren't happening. For normal we dont even have our classes in the university building, today was an exception.
Anyway, what I want to say is: I'm lonely, I do not have any chance to get to know anyone and the weather is bad. Right now there's really nothing positive in my life and that's really sad.
I sigh once again and then step into the driving rain. I start walking to the underground station. As I'm only a few meters away from it a big load of water suddenly hits me from the side. A car was driving through a big puddle and now I'm coated in the muddy water. "Fuck this shit!", I exclaim. Why do these things always happen to me? Suddenly someone taps my shoulder. I turn around just to see a very tall man who looks really contrite. I need a second, then I realise who that man is. It's Kai Havertz, German national team player and player of Chelsea FC. "Hey... Uhm... I'm sorry for this mess. I didn't mean to splash the water onto you.", he says. I put him off and answer: "It's okay. Shit happens. And I have been soggy anyway." He smiles shily and then says: "Now you aren't only soggy but also muddy. Sorry again." I also smile a little and again say: "It's okay. Really." "Can I at least give you a ride home so you don't have to sit in the train with the soggy clothes?", he asks while smiling shily again. I  nod and say: "That would be really kind. Thank you." Together we walk to his car and just like a perfect gentleman he opens the door for me. I get in, then he walks around the car and also gets in. "So... Where do you live?", he asks while opening the navigation system. "I live in Raul Road in Peckham.", I answer. "Peckham? Isn't there a lot of criminality?", he asks, being clearly surprised. I drop my gaze a little and say: "Well... Yeah. In my part of Peckham it isn't too bad but I still wouldn't leave the house at night." Kai nods and then concentrates on the road again. We spend a few minutes in a weird silence, then he asks: "What are you doing in life? Like... Work, studies, a formation?" I smile and then answer: "I've left my home Brazil to study sports marketing over here about two months ago. And besides that I work as an event photographer, at weddings for example. Many other photographers stopped doing that because they went broke due to corona and so there are enough jobs to do for me and so I can at least afford a little apartment." "Oh wow, that's so cool!", he answers, then we're sitting in silence again. I somehow really like Kai but I really don't know what to say to him. It's just so weird to be silent.
After some more minutes we arrive in my road. Kai stops the car and I get out. "Thanks for the ride, that's really kind of you.", I say and smile at Kai. He shows me a sunny smile and answers: "I had to at least do that after ruining your outfit. It was really nice to meet you. Can... Can I maybe have your phone number? I do not know many people yet and you're really nice and I'd really appreciate to meet you more often." Of course I give him my number, then we say good bye and Kai drives away. Meanwhile I get upstairs and into my little apartment. Having arrived there I look at my phone. I got a new massage and a new e-mail. I open the message first.
"Hey Giovanna, it's Kai here. I would really like to see you soon. Maybe you have time this Thursday? 😊I'd appreciate it. Hope you have a nice evening. 😊
Kai", I read. I smile bright and answer that I have time on Thursday evening after a wedding shoot. It really makes me happy. And it gets even better. The mail is from Chelsea FC. It's a pledge that I can do my internship in their social media division. That's so cool. The day started horribly and ended in a wonderful way. I really couldn't be happier right now.

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