Chapter Ten - Family

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⬛Disclaimer: I couldn't find out about Kai's parent's names and so I just gave them some names. If you know their real names please tell me and I'll change them. ⬛

As Paula and I enter the tribune I immediately see his family. Kai has shown me so many pictures that I would always recognise them. His parents and Jan are looking at the players who are warming up but Lea looks around and notices Paula and me. She smiles bright and steps towards us. At first she turns to Paula and says: "Hey Paula, great to see you!" before hugging her. Then she turns to me, says: "And you must be Gigi. Welcome in this family." and also hugs me. I happily huh her back and as we let go if each other I smile at her. "Thank you so much. And by the way, you look fantastic. Blue suits you very well.", I say nervously. She thanks me and then takes my hand to pull me to the rest of my boyfriend's family. "Mum, dad, Jan, look who had arrived!", she says and her parents and brother immediately turn around. I smile and nervously say: "Hi. I'm Giovanna but please call me Gigi. Nice to meet you." They all smile bright whilst looking at me, then Kai's mother steps forward. "Hello Gigi, I'm Annika, Kai's mother. So good to finally get to know the girl who makes our little boy so happy. And wow, you look even more gorgeous than in the pictures he showed us!", she says whilst hugging me warmly. I relax a little. This warm welcome feels great already. As Annika lets go of me Kai's father and brother also introduce themselves. They also are really nice and I'm really happy that we get along very well. And Kai seems to be happy about it too. He has watched our first meeting whilst warming up and now shows me his gorgeous smile. I send him a little blow kiss and he 'catches' it and puts it to his chest before sending me one back. I do the same he did and he again smiles at me happily. Then he and the other players have to leave for the cabin.
"Tell me Gigi... Why did come to London for your studies?", Lea asks whilst the players are in the cabin. Ich take a sip of my drink and then answer: "Well... I signed up for my studies in Brasil at first but I wasn't perfectly happy. Not that I wouldn't like Brasilia, it's just... I have always liked London and then I got the chance to come here for my studies. And of course I couldn't deny, not only because of the wonderful city but also because the university is really good and with the different football clubs there's a lot of chances to do some internships. But Chelsea was my favourite from the beginning and well.... It turned out to be the best thing ever because I got to spend more time with Kai which is fantastic. Kai just really makes me happy and he alone is worth all the effort I made to get here." Lea nods and then says: "Okay, that's really cool. And I'm really happy that you and Kai found each other. Y'all seem to really be in love with each other. When he talks about you there's this special glance in his eyes. He never had that before. He just looks so happy and... I don't even know how to put it in words. I just know that he has feelings for you that he's never had for anyone before and that you make him happy and that's wonderful." Those words are so heartwarming and I smile bright whilst blushing.
The match against Brighton and Holve passes by quite fast. Chelsea is clearly better and in the end win 3:1. Unfortunately Kai couldn't show all of his potential and was taken off pitch after eighty minutes but I'm still really proud of him. And I'm happy to have the honour of wearing his shirt.
Half an hour after the final whistle is blown Kai enters the tribune. I immediately walk towards him. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. "I'm so proud of you Kai.", I say before kissing him intensively. He return the kids for a moment but then lets go of me and whispers: "I didn't even really do anything great." whilst looking at me with sadness in his eyes. I stroke over his face and answer: "Kai, you played your first game with a new team. Your time will come. And you definitely were good today. So don't be sad and come with me. We better have a wonderful family evening with your family. They're really nice and I'd love to spend time with them and you." He nods, smiles now and then says: "You're right. Thank you princesa. Thanks for making me feel better." I just smile at him and then kiss him again as an answer before we return to his family.

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